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  • 作者:編者:桂敏|責編:羅曉華
  • 出版社:武漢大學
  • ISBN:9787307233645
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:221
人民幣:RMB 39.8 元      售價:

    本教程系統地介紹外語教育研究中常用的統計分析方法。全書共分十二章。前三章介紹統計學的重要術語和概念、常用的描述性統計方法以及正態分佈。第四章講解抽樣分佈和置信區間。第五章至第九章運用外語教育研究中的實例,講解常用的推斷性統計分析方法,包括t檢驗、相關分析、回歸分析、卡方檢驗、方差分析等,並介紹如何運用SPSS統計分析軟體,進行每一種統計分析的操作步驟。第十章介紹功效分析(Power Analysis)。它是推斷性統計分析的必要組成部分。第十一章講解兩種非參數檢驗方法。最後一章以如何為自己的研究問題選擇合適的研究方法為導向,對全書內容進行總結。


Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Sample questions in foreign language education
  1.2  Basic terms
  1.3  Scales of measurement
  1.4  Types of data
  1.5  Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics
  1.6  Summary
Chapter 2 Examining data
  2.1  Frequency distributions
  2.2  Measures of central tendency
  2.3  Measures of variability
  2.4  Using the SPSS software program to manage and examine a dataset
  2.5  Summary
Chapter 3 Z scores and the normal distribution
  3.1  The z score
  3.2  Characteristics of z scores
  3.3  Computation of z scores with SPSS
  3.4  Empirical and theoretical frequency distributions
  3.5  The normal distribution table
  3.6  Summary
Chapter 4 Sampling distributions and confidence intervals
  4.1  Sampling methods
  4.2  The sampling distribution
  4.3  Central Limit Theorem
  4.4  Calculating the standard error of the sampling distribution of means
  4.5  Calculating the proportion of sample means above or below a certain point
  4.6  Confidence intervals about a population mean
  4.7  The t distribution
  4.8  Summary
Chapter 5 Hypothesis testing: One-sample designs
  5.1  Procedure of the one-sample t test
  5.2  The meaning of p
  5.3  Effect size index
  5.4  Use the SPSS software program to run the one-sample t test
  5.5  Summary
Chapter 6 Hypothesis testing: Two-samples designs
  6.1  Independent-samples designs and paired-samples designs
  6.2  The t test for independent-samples designs
  6.3  Assumptions of the independent-samples t test
  6.4  Using SPSS to run the t-test for independent-samples designs
  6.5  Calculation of effect sizes for independent-samples designs
  6.6  The t test for related-samples designs
  6.7  Using SPSS to run the t-test for related-samples designs
  6.8  Calculation of effect sizes for two related-samples designs
  6.9  Summary
Chapter 7 Correlation and regression
  7.1  Correlation
  7.2  The correlation coefficient
  7.3  Effect sizes of correlation coefficients
  7.4  Assumptions for the Pearson product-moment correlation (r)

  7.5  Using SPSS to compute a Pearson correlation(r)
  7.6  Using correlation coefficients to calculate coefficient of determination
  7.7  Other kinds of correlation coefficients
  7.8  Bivariate regression
  7.9  A least squares regression line
  7.10  Using SPSS for bivariate regression analysis
  7.11  Multiple regression
  7.12  Using SPSS for multiple regression analysis
  7.13  Summary
Chapter 8 Chi square tests
  8.1  The chi square distribution
  8.2  The use of chi square tests
  8.3  Compute chi square values and examine the effect size
  8.4  Chi square effect size coefficients
  8.5  Using SPSS to conduct chi square tests of independence
  8.6  Using SPSS to conduct chi square tests of goodness-of-fit
  8.7  Summary
Chapter 9 One way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  9.1  The rationale of ANOVA
  9.2  The F distribution
  9.3  Using SPSS to conduct ANOVA
  9.4  Post hoc multiple comparison tests
  9.5  Effect size indexes
  9.6  Summary
Chapter 10 Power analysis
  10.1  Power and types of power analyses
  10.2  Functions of power analyses
  10.3  Ways to improve power
  10.4  Using SPSS to conduct a post hoc power analysis
  10.5  Summary
Chapter 11 Two nonparametric tests
  11.1  Comparison of nonparametric to parametric tests
  11.2  The Mann-Whitney U test
  11.3  Using SPSS to conduct Mann-Whitney U tests
  11.4  The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test
  11.5  Using SPSS to conduct Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks tests
  11.6  Summary
Chapter 12 Selecting appropriate statistical methods
  12.1  Selection of appropriate descriptive statistical methods
  12.2  Selection of appropriate inferential statistical methods
Appendix A Answers to exercises
Appendix B Quick reference guide to frequently asked questions
Appendix C Glossary
Appendix D The normal distribution table
Appendix E The t distribution table
Appendix F Critical values for the F mux statistic
Appendix G Critical values for Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, r
Appendix H Chi square distribution table
Appendix I The F distribution table
Appendix J Power tables

Appendix K Sample size tables
Appendix L Critical values for the Mann-Whitney U test
Appendix M Critical values for the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks T test

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