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  • 作者:編者:樊玲//常波|責編:尹小雲
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111716099
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:315
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



第1周  詞義的選擇(Word Choice)
    講座1  如何準確用詞: 理解詞義———詞的內涵與外延(How to Choose Words Accurately: Understand Word Meaning—Denotation and Connotation)
    講座2  如何恰當選詞———正式與非正式詞(How to Use Words Appropriately—Formal and Informal)
    講座3  如何選擇有說服力的詞: 特指詞和泛指詞(How to Use Words Compellingly—Specific and General)
    講座4  需要避免使用的詞(Some Don'ts in Word Choice)
第2周  語句的變化及常見句子錯誤(Sentence Variety and Common Sentence Errors)
    講座1  語句的變化(Sentence Variety)
    講座2  常見句子錯誤I (Common Sentence Errors I)
    講座3  常見句子錯誤II (Common Sentence Errors II)
第3周  段落結構及段落的統一性和連貫性(The Structure of a Paragraph; the Unity and Coherence of a Paragraph)
    講座1  段落結構(The Structure of a Paragraph)
    講座2  段落的統一性和連貫性(The Unity and Coherence of a Paragraph)
第4周  段落展開方法——過程分析法和分類法(Developing a Paragraph by Process Analysis and Classification)
    講座1  過程分析法(Process Analysis)
    講座2  分類法(Classification)
第5周  應用文寫作I (Practical Writing I)
    講座1  概要(Summary)
    講座2  求職信(Job Application Letters)
    講座3  簡歷(R?sum?)
    講座4  商務電子郵件(Business Emails)
    講座5  備忘錄(Memo)
第6周  應用文寫作II (Practical Writing II)
    講座1  圖表寫作的類型(Essays Based upon Graphs)
    講座2  線圖寫作: 趨勢(Line Graph: Trends)
    講座3  餅圖: 百分比(Pie Chart: Percentage)
    講座4  柱狀圖: 對比(Bar Chart: Contrast)
第7周  篇章寫作I (Essay Writing I)

    講座1  判斷好文章的標準(Features of Good Effective Essays)
    講座2  開頭和結尾的寫法(Effective Introduction and Conclusion)
第8周  篇章寫作II (Essay Writing II)
    講座1  記敘文(Narrative Essays)
    講座2  描寫文(Descriptive Essays)
第9周  因果作文(Cause and Effect Essays)
    講座1  什麼是因果(What Causes and Effects Are)
    講座2  如何撰寫因果作文(How to Write Cause and Effect Essays)
    講座3  範文分析(Sample Essays
    講座4  常用表達(Useful Expressions)
第10周  對照與對比作文(Comparison and Contrast Essays)
    講座1  理解對照與對比(Understanding Comparison and Contrast)
    講座2  如何撰寫比較類作文( How to Write Comparison and Contrast Essays)
    講座3  如何避免「無意義主旨句」 (How to Avoid So-what Thesis Statements)
    講座4  常用表達(Useful Expressions)
第11周  定義型作文(Writing a Definition Essay)
    講座1  什麼是定義(What a Definition Is)
    講座2  如何下定義(How to Make a Definition)
    講座3  如何撰寫定義型作文I (Writing a Definition Essay I)
    講座4  如何撰寫定義型作文II (Writing a Definition Essay II)
第12周  議論文寫作(Writing an Argumentative Essay)
    講座1  什麼是論證(What Argumentation Is)
    講座2  論證方法(Methods to Present Argumentation)
    講座3  議論文寫作的準備階段(Pre-writing an Argumentative Essay)
    講座4  議論文寫作(Writing an Argumentative Essay)
第13周  學術論文寫作I (Academic Writing I)
    講座1  學術論文寫作介紹(Overview of Academic Writing)
    講座2  如何擬論文題目和主旨陳述(How to Prepare the Title and Thesis Statement)
    講座3  如何寫文獻綜述(How to Present a Literature Review)
    講座4  如何寫開題報告(How to Make a Thesis Proposal)
    講座5  如何寫引言(How to Write the Introduction)

第14周  學術論文寫作II (Academic Writing II)
    講座1  如何描述材料和方法(How to Describe the Materials and Methods Used in Research)
    講座2  如何彙報與討論結果(How to Report and Discuss the Results of Research)
    講座3  如何寫結論(How to Write the Conclusion)
    講座4  如何寫摘要(How to Write the Abstract)
    講座5  如何引用文獻(How to Cite the References)
第15周  國際會議(International Conferences)
    講座1  課程和授課教師簡介(Introduction to Course and Instructor's Name)
    講座2  開始準備: 投怎樣的會議論文, 投向何處?徵文通知(Getting Started: What Paper Should You Send and Where? The Call for Papers)
    講座3  撰寫會議論文摘要(Writing the Abstract)
    講座4  精心準備學術會議演講(Crafting the Oral Presentation)
    講座5  參加學術會議、宣讀會議論文和接受提問(Tips on Attending a Conference, Presenting the Conference Paper, and Taking Questions)

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