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WRITE SOURCE英語寫作分級教程(預備級)(精)

  • 作者:(美)帕特里克·賽布雷納可//戴夫·肯伯//帕特里夏·雷格|責編:徐莉|繪畫:(美)克里斯·克倫茨克
  • 出版社:中國人民大學
  • ISBN:9787300293448
  • 出版日期:2021/09/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:96
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:

    《Write Source英文寫作分級教程》系列是針對學前至高中12年級學生全方位訓練寫作能力的英文寫作專項指南。本書遵循美國學術界公認並推行的「寫作五步法」和「六要素」進行教學和日常練習,五步法即過程寫作法包含五個相關階段(The Writing Process):立意(Prewriting)、初稿(Drafting)、修改(Revising)、校訂(Editing)和發表(Publishing)。這五個步驟是美國學術界公認並推行的優質寫作基礎,並被Common Core課標規定為寫作標準教學法。本書覆蓋描述文、記敘文、說明文、議論文、文學回應類寫作、創意寫作、報告寫作/研究類寫作7種不同的寫作體裁。它將過程寫作法和寫作六要素相互結合,讓學生從小養成良好的寫作習慣。
    本書為預備級,適合學齡前兒童閱讀,內容分為五大塊:1)Words and Sentences;2)The Writing Process;3)The Traits of Good Writing;4)Forms of Writing;5)Themes。


My Writing Spot
Words and Sentences
  Alphabet Chart
  Writers use letters to make words.
  Writers put words together in sentences.
  Writers start sentences with capital letters.
  Writers finish sentences with end marks.
  Writers use capital letters for special words.
  Writers have fun with words.
The Writing Process
  Writers follow the writing process.
  Writers talk and listen to get ideas.
  Writers look and think to find ideas.
  Writers list words to find a topic.
  Writers read to learn.
  Writers gather details.
  Writers write.
  Writers add details.
  Writers check their writing.
  Writers share to explain and entertain.
  I list words to find a topic.
  I gather details.
  I write.
  I share to explain and entertain.
  Writers use computers to share their writing.
The Traits of Good Writing
  Writers use the traits of good writing.
  Writers think of ideas.
  Writers plan their writing.
  Writers use their senses.
  Writers follow writing rules.
Forms of Writing
  Writers write in journals.
  Writers make lists.
  Writers make signs and labels.
  Writers write notes and cards.
  Writers write captions.
  Writers write the news.
  Writers write stories.
  Location Words

  The Five Senses
  My Word Dictionary

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