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  • 作者:編者:王校羽//侯英華//谷偉|責編:時京京|總主編:袁在成
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787576313727
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:135
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:

    每單元A篇為段落信息匹配題和選詞填空題,B篇為單選題,C篇為單選題和Questions for Furcher Understanding(每單元兩道題)。每單元結尾處設計針對本單元主題的思考題,均為當下大學生關心的熱點話題,引導學生進行深度思考,增強學生的思辨能力和跨文化交際意識。


Unit 1 Culture
  Text A A Sweet Art--Sugar Painting
  Text B Chinese Calligraphy
  Text C Cross Cultural Presentations
Unit 2 Sports
  Text A Is Walking Enough of a Workout
  Text B Famous Basketball Players
  Text C Baseball
Unit 3 Diet
  Text A Addressing Climate Change Through Diet
  Text B Eating Healthy When Those Around You Don't
  Text C How to Avoid Gaining the Freshman 15
Unit 4 Fashion
  Text A China's First Lady Sparks Homegrown Fashion Frenzy
  Text B Steps to Become a Fashion Designer
  Text C China's Hanfu Costumes Trigger Pervasive Fever
Unit 5 Animals
  Text A Do Our Pets Dream?
  Text B Beautiful Friendship
  Text C The Mysteries of Migration and the Earth Magnetic Field
Unit 6 Gardens and Parks
  Text A Yellowstone National Park: Great Beauty, and a Sleeping Volcano
  Text B The Lost Gardens
  Text C Classical Gardens of Suzhou
Unit 7 Jobs and Career
  Text A Best Career for the Future Jobs for 2025 and Way Beyond!
  Text B 7 Steps to Prepare for Your Future Career
  Text C The Marriage of Career and Personality
Unit 8 Medical Care and Health
  Text A Health Care and Epidemics
  Text B Stress Management
  Text C China to Refine Financial Services, Promote Steady Development of Personal Insurance
Unit 9 Science and Technology
  Text A How will 5G Technologies Influence the Film Industry?
  Text B Mind-reading Robot Teachers Keep Students Focused
  Text C AI Transforming the World
Unit 10 A Community of Shared Future for Mankind
  Text A China's Fight against COVID-19: A Sense of Responsibility to the World
  Text B China's Green Transition Matters to the World
  Text C Confronting COVID-19 with Humility, Reflection and Gratitude

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