幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:王全民|責編:陳藝
  • 出版社:江蘇科技
  • ISBN:9787571329679
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:333
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Round One 細學單詞發音
  Lesson 1 母音
  Lesson 2 輔音
Round Two 英語口語集合
  Lesson 1 初次見面 Meet for the First Time
  Lesson 2 介紹他人Introducing Others
  Lesson 3 邀請拒絕Invitation and Refusation
  Lesson 4 聚會準備Ready for the Party
  Lesson 5 前去赴約Going to the Party
  Lesson 6 興趣愛好Hobbies and Interests
  Lesson 7 家人朋友Family and Friends
  Lesson 8 談論工作Talking about Work
  Lesson 9 聚會結束End of the Party
  Lesson 10 新生入學 Enrollment of Freshmen
  Lesson 11 宿捨生活Dormitory Life
  Lesson 12 學校食堂School Canteens
  Lesson 13 學校課程School Curriculums
  Lesson 14 課後活動After-School Activities
  Lesson 15 課外兼職Part-Time Jobs
  Lesson 16 畢業論文Theses
  Lesson 17 畢業典禮Graduation Ceremony
  Lesson 18 工作面試Job Interview
  Lesson 19 通過面試Passing the Interview
  Lesson 20 日常工作Daily Work
  Lesson 21 有事請假Taking a Day Off
  Lesson 22 員工聚餐Staff Gathering
  Lesson 23 辭職休息Resigning to Rest
  Lesson 24 相親約會Blind Date
  Lesson 25 確定關係Not Single Any More
  Lesson 26 吵架和好Quarrel and Reconciliation
  Lesson 27 求婚現場 Making a Proposal
  Lesson 28 結婚典禮Wedding Ceremony
  Lesson 29 婚後日常Marriage Life
  Lesson 30 得知懷孕 Expecting a Baby
  Lesson 31 成功生產 Giving Birth to a Baby
  Lesson 32 三口之家 A Family of Three
  Lesson 33 公園遊玩 Playing at the Park
  Lesson 34 打掃衛生Cleaning
  Lesson 35 逛街購物 Shopping
  Lesson 36 外出用餐 Dining Out
  Lesson 37 電影電視 Movies and TV
  Lesson 38 買單付款 Paying the Bill
  Lesson 39 健康習慣 Healthy Habits
  Lesson 40 外出度假 Going on a Holiday
  Lesson 41 酒店入住 Checking in
  Lesson 42 歡度節日 Celebrating Holidays
  Lesson 43 生病就醫Seeing a Doctor
  Lesson 44 網路購物 Shopping Online
  Lesson 45 身材焦慮 Body Anxiety
  Lesson 46 抗洪救災Fight Against the Flood

  Lesson 47 抗擊疫情Fight Against the Virus

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