幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(英)E.H.貢布里希|責編:明先林//唐海濤
  • 出版社:四川美術
  • ISBN:9787541055737
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:1046
人民幣:RMB 199.8 元      售價:


    E.H.貢布里希教授,功勛團成員(O.M),高級英帝國勛爵士(C.B.E)。1909年生於維也納,1936年進入倫敦的瓦爾堡研究院任教職。從1959年起,擔任倫敦大學古典傳統歷史教授及院長,直至1976年退休。     主要著作有《藝術的故事》(第16版,1995年),《藝術與錯覺——圖畫再現的心理學研究》(第6版,2002年),《秩序感——裝飾藝術的心理學研究》(1979年)。還出版有論文集,「文藝復興藝術研究」四卷,第一卷《規範與形式》(1966年)、第二卷《象徵的圖像——貢布里希圖像學文集》(1972年)、第三卷《阿佩萊斯的遺產》(1976年)、第四卷《老大師新解》(1986年),《木馬沉思錄——藝術理論文集》(1963年),《圖像與眼睛——圖畫再現心理學的再研究》(1982年),《敬獻集——對我們文化傳統的讀解》(1984年),《我們時代的話題——20世紀的藝術與學術問題》(1991年),以及《藝術史反思錄》(1987年),《偏愛原始性——西方藝術和文學中的趣味史》(2002年)。

Introduction: On art and artists
1.Strange Beginnings: Prehistoric and primitive peoples; Ancient America
2.Art for Eternity: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete
3.The Great Awakening: Greece, seventh to fifth century BC
4.The Realm of Beauty: Greece and the Greek world, fourth century BC to first century AD
5.World Conquerors: Romans, Buddhists, Jews and Christians, first to fourth century AD
6.A Parting of Ways: Rome and Byzantium, fifth to thirteenth century
7.Looking Eastwards: Islam, China, second to thirteenth century
8.Western Art in the Melting Pot: Europe, sixth to eleventh century
9.The Church Militant: The twelfth century
10.The Church Triumphant: The thirteenth century
11.Courtiers and Burghers: The fourteenth century
12.The Conquest of Reality: The early fifteenth century
13.Tradition and Innovation i: The later fifteenth century in Italy
14.Tradition and Innovation ii: The fifteenth century in the North
15.Harmony Attained: Tuscany and Rome, early sixteenth century
16.Light and Colour: Venice and northern Italy, early sixteenth century
17.The New Learning Spreads: Germany and the Netherlands, early sixteenth century
18.A Crisis of Art: Europe, later sixteenth century
19.Vision and Visions: Catholic Europe, first half of the seventeenth century
20.The Mirror of Nature: Holland, seventeenth century
21.Power and Glory i: Italy, later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
22.Power and Glory ii: France, Germany and Austria, late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
23.The Age of Reason: England and France, eighteenth century
24.The Break in Tradition: England, America and France, late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
25.Permanent Revolution: The nineteenth century
26.In Search of New Standards: The late nineteenth century
27.Experimental Art: The first half of the twentieth century
28.A Story without End
The triumph of Modernism
Another turning of the tide
The changing past
A note on art books
List of illustrations by location
Detailed illustrations list
Index and glossary

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