幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:林建華|責編:夏俠
  • 出版社:中國社科
  • ISBN:9787522708362
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:144
人民幣:RMB 96 元      售價:



Foreword: Whole-Process People's Democracy Is the Key toSound Governance in China
Ⅰ.A Century in Pursuit of Whole-Process People's Democracy
  1.Laying the Political Foundation for People's Democracy
  2.Establishing a System of Institutions through Which the People Run the Country
  3.Diversifying Forms of People's Democracy
  4.Developing Whole-Process People's Democracy
Ⅱ.Whole-Process People's Democracy: Procedures and Practices
  1.Institutional Framework
  2.Basic Procedures
Ⅲ.The Path to Realizing Whole-Process People's Democracy
  1.Whole-Process People's Democracy under CPC Leadership
  2.Achieving Whole-Process People's Democracy through Advancing Law-Based Governance
  3.Adhering to the Principle of Putting the People First in All Practices to Ensure the People's Status as Masters of the Country
  4.Whole-Process People's Democracy - A Chinese Model That Works
Ⅳ.Outstanding Characteristics of Whole-Process People's Democracy
  1.Ensuring the People's Status as Masters of the Country
  2.Unleashing the People's Creativity
  3.Pooling Wisdom and Rallying Consensus
  4.Consolidating Political Stability and Unity
  5.Forming a Concerted Force
  6.Improving Govermance Efficiency
Ⅴ.Whole-Process People's Democracy Shaping China's Bright Future
  1.Creating a Better Life
  2.Writing a New Chapter on the Two Miracles
  3.Building a Great Modern Socialist Country
Ⅵ.Whole-Process People's Democracy Enriching Human
  Political Advancement
  1.A New Model of Human Political Achievements
  2.A Creative Contribution to Political Cultures
  3.A Pursuit of Shared Human Values

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