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  • 作者:編者:(印度)王中//樊茗玥//(克羅埃西亞)德拉迦納·奧斯蒂奇|責編:付潭嬌//劉志彬
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302620143
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Strategic Management and Marketing
  1.0  Discussion Topics
  1.1  Poverty Alleviation Goal, a Dream Come True: The Case Study of YanchengRural Commercial Bank
    1.1.1  Introduction
    1.1.2  Achieving the Goal of Poverty Alleviation
    1.1.3  Explore New Opportunities of Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank
    1.1.4  Case Summary
    1.1.5  Learning Points
  1.2  Chasing the Dream: Pinduoduo's Competitive Journey throughMarketing Strategies
    1.2.1  Introduction
    1.2.2  What Is the Secret of this Incredible Growth?
    1.2.3  Scope and Mission of Pinduoduo
    1.2.4  Case Summary
    1.2.5  Learning Points
  1.3  Meituan Strategic product diversification-Lessons from StartupCross-selling Strategy
    1.3.1  Introduction
    1.3.2  Company Profile
    1.3.3  The Rise of the Company
    1.3.4  Next Steps
    1.3.5  Learning Points
Chapter 2  Organization Entrepreneurship
  2.0  Discussion Topics
  2.1  The Long Road to Entrepreneurship: Suzhou BeiKay Instrument Co., Ltd.
    2.1.1  Introduction
    2.1.2  Industry and Project Selection
    2.1.3  Source of Funding
    2.1.4  Research and Development Process
    2.1.5  Markets and Profits
    2.1.6  Product Advantages
    2.1.7  Case Summary
    2.1.8  Learning Points
  2.2  Expansion in Emerging Markets: Overseas Progress of Shaoxing Falcon Trading Co., Ltd.
    2.2.1  Introduction
    2.2.2  Identification of Markets
    2.2.3  Criteria for Markets Selection
    2.2.4  Challenges Associated with Expansion in Emerging Markets
    2.2.5  Case Summary
    2.2.6  Learning Points
Chapter 3  Leadership and Human Resource Management
  3.0  Discussion Topics
  3.1  Comprehensive Assessment of the Leadership's Advocacy for Staff Participation: Evidence from One of the Leading Chemical Factories in Jiangsu
    3.1.1  Introduction
    3.1.2  Description of the Opinion & Onwards Survey
    3.1.3  Description of the Staff Say Survey
    3.1.4  Accessing and Undertaking the Surveys
    3.1.5  Description of the Staff Say and Opinion & Onwards Questionnaires
    3.1.6  Training and Development Process
    3.1.7  Case Summary
    3.1.8  Learning Points
  3.2  Haidilao Differentiation Strategy - Leadership and Service Innovation Value Proposition

    3.2.1  Introduction
    3.2.2  Company Profile
    3.2.3  The Rise of the Company
    3.2.4  Next Steps
    3.2.5  Learning Points
Chapter 4  Organization Innovation Management
  4.0  Discussion Topics
  4.1  Innovation Beyond Boundaries: The Case of Changzhou Jintan Sagar Trading Co., Ltd.
    4.1.1  Introduction
    4.1.2  Idea Generation
    4.1.3  Competitive Advantage
    4.1.4  Product Specification and Innovation
    4.1.5  Niche Marketing
    4.1.6  Research and Development
    4.1.7  Unique Features and Advantages of the Centrifugal Water Pump
    4.1.8  Case Summary
    4.1.9  Learning Points
  4.2  Right Sourcing from China: The Case of Shanghai Fekan Trading Co., Ltd.
    4.2.1  Introduction
    4.2.2  Scope of Shanghai Fekan Trading Co., Ltd.
    4.2.3  Innovative Service Efficiency of Shanghai Fekan Trading Co., Ltd.
    4.2.4  Creation of the Company's Network for Customers'Satisfaction
    4.2.5  Quality Control Certification of Products
    4.2.6  Local Presence and Trust Among Customers
    4.2.7  Case Summary
    4.2.8  Learning Points
  4.3  Innovation for a Successful Business: The Winner of a Combination of Internet
    4.3.1  Introduction
    4.3.2  Establishing Ping An
    4.3.3  Transformation Manufacturer, Towards Industry
    4.3.4  LotusIsland Online and Offline Business Model
    4.3.5  Proud Achievements
    4.3.6  Case Summary
    4.3.7  Learning Points
Chapter 5  Business Control System
  5.0  Discussion Topics
  5.1  Support Dazi on the Cloud: the Digital Healthcare Technology Constructionof"Jiangbin Online"
    5.1.1  Introduction
    5.1.2  Commitment with the Snowy Land of Lhasa
    5.1.3  A New Trail of "Jiangbin Online"
    5.1.4  Solid Technical Support from Zhenjiang
    5.1.5  Better Improvement of the Cloud
    5.1.6  Case Summary
    5.1.7  Learning Points
  5.2  Digital Transformation of Hengshun Group
    5.2.1  Introduction
    5.2.2  Company Profile
    5.2.3  Beginning of Digitalization
    5.2.4  Formation of Production Control Process
    5.2.5  System Updated via the SAP

    5.2.6  Benefits from Digital Transformation
    5.2.7  Case Summary
    5.2.8  Learning Points
Chapter 6  Ethics of Business Management
  6.0  Discussion Topics
  6.1  Dilemma of Trading Experience: The Case of Time Source Trading (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd.
    6.1.1  Introduction
    6.1.2  Development of the Model of Time Source Trading (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd.
    6.1.3  Challenges for Time Source Trading (Zhenjiang) Co., Ltd.
    6.1.4  Case Summary
    6.1.5  Learning Points
  6.2  Business Management Practices: A Case Study of Luckin Coffee
    6.2.1  Introduction
    6.2.2  Tea and Coffee Market in China
    6.2.3  History of Luckin Coffee
    6.2.4  Main Products
    6.2.5  Growth Strategies of Luckin Coffee
    6.2.6  Ethical Issue at Luckin Coffee
    6.2.7  Case Summary
    6.2.8  Learning Points

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