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  • 作者:編者:孫武|責編:李湲|總主編:孫武//張國鑫//張金萍
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119084411
  • 出版日期:2013/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:180
人民幣:RMB 40 元      售價:



LESSON 1  Excuse me!
LESSON 2  Is this your...?
LESSON 3  Sorry, sir.
LESSON 4  Is this your...?
LESSON 5  Nice to meet you.
LESSON 6  What make is it?
LESSON 7  Are you a teacher?
LESSON 8  What's your job?
LESSON 9  How are you today?
LESSON 10  Look at...
LESSON 11  Is this your shirt?
LESSON 12  Whose is this...? This is my / your / his / her...Whose is that...? That is my / your / his / her.
LESSON 13  A new dress
LESSON 14  What colour is your...?
LESSON 15  Your passports, please.
LESSON 16  Are you...?
LESSON 17  How do you do?
LESSON 18  What are their jobs?
LESSON 19  Tired and thirsty
LESSON 20  Look at them!
LESSON 21  Which book?
LESSON 22  Give me / him / her / us / them a... Which one?
LESSON 23  Which glasses?
LESSON 24  Give me / him / her / us / them some... Which ones?
LESSON 25  Mrs. Smith's kitchen
LESSON 26  Where is it?
LESSON 27  Mrs. Smith's living room
LESSON 28  Where are they?
LESSON 29  Come in, Amy.
LESSON 30  What must I do?
LESSON 31  Where's Sally?
LESSON 32  What's he / she / it doing?
LESSON 33  A fine day
LESSON 34  What are they doinu?
LESSON 35  Our village
LESSON 36  Where...?
LESSON 37  Making a bookcase
LESSON 38  What are you going to do? What are you doing now?
LESSON 39  Don't drop it!
LESSON 40  What are you going to do? I'm going to...
LESSON 41  Penny's bag
LESSON 42  Is there a... in / on that...? Is there any...in / on that...?
LESSON 43  Hurry up!
LESSON 44  Are there any...? Is there any...?
LESSON 45  The boss's letter
LESSON 46  Can you...?
LESSON 47  A cup of coffee
LESSON 48  Do you like...? Do you want...?
LESSON 49  At the butcher's
LESSON 50  He likes... But he doesn't like...

LESSON 51  A pleasant climate
LESSON 52  What nationality are they? Where do they come from?
LESSON 53  An interesting climate
LESSON 54  What nationality are they? Where do they come from?
LESSON 55  The Sawyer family
LESSON 56  What do they usually do?
LESSON 5 7  An unusual day
LESSON 58  What's the time?
LESSON 59  Is that all?
LESSON 60  What's the time?
LESSON 61  A bad cold
LESSON 62  What's the matter with them? What must they do?
LESSON 63  Thank you, doctor.
LESSON 64  Don't...! You mustn't...!
LESSON 65  Not a baby
LESSON 66  What's the time?
LESSON 67  The weekend
LESSON 68  What's the time?
LESSON 69  The car race
LESSON 70  When were they there?
LESSON 71  He's awful!
LESSON 72  When did you...?

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