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  • 作者:孫欽美|責編:曹雯京
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313273390
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:209
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:


    孫欽美,上海外國語大學國際關係與公共事務學院專任英語教師,兼任英語學院應用語言學方向碩士研究生導師。2013.8-2014.8年獲留基委「國家建設高水平大學公派研究生項目」(聯合培養博士)資助,赴美國紐約大學文化教育學院(Steinhardt School of Culture,Education and Human Develop-ment)學習。主要研究方向為高校外語教師教育、跨文化外語教學等。主持教育部人文社科、中共中央對外聯絡部、校級教改規劃基金及慕課建設等項目課題6項;參與國家社科、上海市哲社、上海高校市級重點課程項目等項目課題6項;參與並獲得「第六屆中國外語微課大賽本科英語組」上海市三等獎、獲「第二屆上海市高校教師教學創新大賽」二等獎。近五年,在SSCI、CSSCI等國內外核心期刊發表論文10余篇。

Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Research background
  1.2  Statement of purpose
  1.3  Significance of the book
  1.4  Overview of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
  2.1  Chapter Introduction
  2.2  Definition of key concepts
  2.3  Theoretical perspectives
  2.4  Review of empirical studies
  2.5  Research gap and research questions
  2.6  Conceptual framework
  2.7  Chapter summary
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
  3.1  Overall approach and rationale
  3.2  Research setting and sample
  3.3  Data collection
  3.4  Data analysis
  3.5  Other considerations
  3.6  Chapter summary
Chapter 4 The Case of Ben
  4.1  Ben's biographical profile
  4.2  Ben's research engagements in OCoPs
  4.3  Leadership changes with Ben and people around
  4.4  Chapter discussion & summary
Chapter 5 The Case of Joy
  5.1  Joy's biographic profile
  5.2  Joy's research engagements in OCoPs
  5.3  Leadership changes with Joy and people around
  5.4  Chapter discussion & summary
Chapter 6 The Case of Sophie
  6.1  Sophie's biographic profile
  6.2  Sophie's research engagements in OCoPs
  6.3  Leadership changes with Sophie and people around
  6.4  Chapter discussion & summary
Chapter 7 Discussion
  7.1  Comparison of the three cases and communities
  7.2  Factors constituting EFL teachers' research leadership
  7.3  Features of research leadership in OCoPs
  7.4  Factors shaping research leadership in OCoPs
  7.5  Conceptualization of teacher research leadership in OCoPs
  7.6  Chapter summary
Chapter 8 Conclusions
  8.1  Major findings
  8.2  Implications
  8.3  Limitations and future directions
  8.4  Concluding remarks
Appendix A: Research Description Letter
Appendix B: Research Participant Consent Form

Appendix C: A Potential Participant's CV
Appendix D: Pre-tnterview Inventory
Appendix E: Interview Questions
Appendix F: Summary Matrix of Teacher Stories and Analytical Categories of Research Leadership
Appendix G: Example of Teacher Reflections
Appendix H: Examples of Researcher's Personal Journals and Field Notes
Appendix I: Frequency Table for Tertiary EFL Teacher Research

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