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  • 作者:何妍|責編:張冠男|總主編:陶友蘭
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313272812
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:217
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Background
  1.2  Research Objectives and Questions
  1.3  Research Significance and Motivation of the Study
  1.4  Potential Contributions of the Study
  1.5  Summary
Chapter 2  The Phenomenon of Sight Translation
  2.1  The Definition of Sight Translation
  2.2  Sight Translation in Practice and Education
  2.3  Sight Translation and Cognitive Effort
  2.4  Summary
Chapter 3  Situating the Study in the Literature
  3.1  Directionality
    3.1.1  Arguments on Directionality
    3.1.2  EmpLdcal Studies on Directionality
  3.2  The Cognitive Effort in Translation and Interpreting
    3.2.1  Processing Time Measuremem
    3.2.2  The Keystroke-Logging Method
    3.2.3  The Eye-Tracking Method
    3.2.4  The Cognitive Effort m the "Black Box"
  3.3  Competence in Translation and Interpreting Studies
  3.4  Text Complexity
  3.5  Summary
Chapter 4  Theoretical Framework
  4.1  Language Processing in the Bilingual Brain
    4.1.1  The Three-Store Hypothesis
    4.1.2  The Subsystems Hypothesis
  4.2  Translation/Interpreting Asymmetry
    4.2.1  The Revised Hierarchical Model
    4.2.2  The Activation Threshold Hypothesis
  4.3  The Interpreter Advantage Hypothesis
  4.4  Text Complexity and Cognitive Effort
  4.5  Theoretical Assumptions
  4.6  Summary
Chapter 5  The Neuroimaging Technology
  5.1  The Development of Neuroimaging Technology
  5.2  Introduction to fNIRS
  5.3  fNIRS in Language Processing Research
    5.3.1  Language Comprehension
    5.3.2  Overt Reading
    5.3.3  Speech Production
  5.4  Using fNIRS in the Present Study
  5.5  Summary
Chapter 6  A Pilot Study
  6.1  Participants
  6.2  Materials
  6.3  Tasks
  6.4  Data Acquisition
  6.5  Data Analysis
  6.6  Results

  6.7  Discussion
Chapter 7 Methods
  7.1  Research Design
  7.2  Participants
    7.2.1  Participant Recruitment
    7.2.2  Second Language Proficiency Test
    7.2.3  Pre-experiment Survey
    7.2.4  Working Memory Span Test
    7.2.5  The Selected Participants
    7.2.6  Ethical Issues
  7.3  Materials
    7.3.1  Grade Level
    7.3.2  Sentence Structm'e
    7.3.3  Word Count
    7.3.4  Word Frequency
    ?.3.5  Notional Word Density
    7.3.6  Pronoun Density
    7.3.7  Translatability
    7.3.8  The Distinction Between Sentences of Low and High Complexity
  7.4  Brain Areas of interest
    7.4.1  Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
    7.4.2  Broca's Area
    7.4.3  Wemicke's Area
    7.4.4  Inferior Parietal Lobule
  7.5  Experiment Procedure
  7.6  Data Collection
    7.6.1  Behavioural Data Collection
    7.6.2  fNIRS Data Collection
  7.7  Data Preprocessing
    7.7.1  Behavioural Data Preprocessing
    7.7.2  fNIRS Data Preprocessing
  7.8  Data Analysis
    7.8.1  The Statistical Terms in the Present Study
    7.8.2  Behavioural Data Analysis
    7.8.3  fNIRS Data Analysis
  7.9  Summary
Chapter 8  Results
  8.1  Behaviourat Results
    8.1.1  The Main Effect
    8.1.2  The Interaction Effect
  8.2  Neuroimaging Results
    8.2.1  The Main Effect
    8.2.2  The Interaction Effect
  8.3  Results from the Post-experiment Survey
  8.4  Summary
Chapter 9  Discussion
  9.1  Directionality and Behavioural Performance
  9.2  Directionality and Cognitive Effort
  9.3  Directionality, Interpreting Experience and Text Complexity
  9.4  Summary

Chapter 10  Conclusion
  10.1  Final Conclusions
  10.2  Implications
    10.2.1  Theoretical Implication
    10.2.2  Methodological Implication
    10.2.3  Pedagogical and Practical Implication
  10.3  Limitations and Perspective for Future Work
  10.4  Summary
  Appendix 1  English Proficiency Test
  Appendix 2  Personal and Language Background Questionnaire
  Appendix 3  Reading Span Test
  Appendix 4  Informed Content
  Appendix 5  Chinese and English Texts Used in the Experiment
  Appendix 6  Post-experiment Survey
  Appendix 7  The 3D MNI Coordinates of the 68 Channels and the Corresponding Brain Area

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