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Installation Methods of Offshore Oil-Gas Well Conductor(精)

  • 作者:Jin Yang
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030719454
  • 出版日期:2020/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:167
人民幣:RMB 288 元      售價:


Jin Yang

1  Functions of the Oil-Gas Well Conductor and Wellhead Structure
  1.1  Functions of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
    1.1.1  Functions of Exploration Well Conductor
    1.1.2  Functions of Development Well Conductor
  1.2  Oil-Gas Wellhead Structure
    1.2.1  Conductor Structure of the Wellhead Above the Sea
    1.2.2  Conductor Structure of Subsea Wellhead
  1.3  Common Oil-Gas Wellhead Equipment
    1.3.1  Technical Requirements of Wellhead Equipment
    1.3.2  Common Wellhead Equipment
2  Drilling-In Installation of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
  2.1  Drilling-In Installation of Conductor
    2.1.1  Drilling-In Construction Method of Conductor
    2.1.2  Conductor Construction Method for Wellhead Above the Sea
    2.1.3  Precautions for Construction
  2.2  Main Equipment
    2.2.1  Driving System
    2.2.2  Rotating System
    2.2.3  Hoisting System
    2.2.4  Wellhead and Downhole Tools
  2.3  Suitable Conductor Setting Depth Design
    2.3.1  Load Analysis of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
    2.3.2  Calculation Models of Conductor Bottom Ultimate Bearing Capacity
    2.3.3  Calculation Models of Conductor's Lateral Friction of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
    2.3.4  Calculation of Suitable Conductor Setting Depth
  2.4  Application Case Analysis
    2.4.1  Oil Field Base Information
    2.4.2  Suitable Depth Below Mud Line Design of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
    2.4.3  Check Analysis of Conductor Stability
3  Piling Installation of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
  3.1  Piling Installation Technology of Conductor
    3.1.1  Piling Construction Technology
    3.1.2  Precautions for Construction
  3.2  Main Equipments
    3.2.1  Piling Equipments
    3.2.2  Lifting Equipment
    3.2.3  Conductor Shoe
  3.3  Reasonable Setting Depth Design
    3.3.1  Load Analysis of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
    3.3.2  Calculation of Conductor Bottom Ultimate Bearing Capacity
    3.3.3  Calculation of Pile Driving Resistance
    3.3.4  Calculation of Conductor Setting Depth
    3.3.5  Calculation of Penetration Length
    3.3.6  Calculation Model of Hammering Number
  3.4  Application Case Study
    3.4.1  Basic Information of Oil Field
    3.4.2  Design of Depth of Conductor into Mud
    3.4.3  Check and Analysis of Conductor Stability

    3.4.4  Selection of Pile Hammer
4  Jetting Installation Method of Oil-Gas Well Conductor
  4.1  Jetting Installation Method of Conductor
    4.1.1  Jetting Construction Method
    4.1.2  Precautions for Jetting Installation
  4.2  Main Equipment
    4.2.1  Driving System and Drill String
    4.2.2  CADA Tool
  4.3  Design of the Setting Depth of Conductor
    4.3.1  Load Analysis of the Conductor
    4.3.2  Calculation of Bearing Capacity of Conductor
    4.3.3  Calculation Method of the Setting Depth of Conductor
  4.4  Optimal Design of Jetting Installation of Conductor
    4.4.1  Optimal Design of Jetting Drilling Pressure
    4.4.2  Design of Jetting Displacement
    4.4.3  Design of Bit Protrusion
    4.4.4  Determination of Release Waiting Time-Window
  4.5  Application Case Analysis
    4.5.1  The Ultimate and Real-Time Bearing Capacity of Conductor
    4.5.2  Safe Depth of Conductor into Mud in Jetting InstallationMethod
    4.5.3  Safe Waiting Time of Surface Conductor
5  Adaptability of Installation Method of Offshore Conductors
  5.1  Technical Adaptability of Drilling-In Installation Method of Conductor
  5.2  Technical Adaptability of Piling Installation Method of Conductor
  5.3  Technical Adaptability of Jetting-Down Installation Method of Conductor

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