幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:婁琦|責編:閻偉萍//顧宸//孫雯
  • 出版社:遼寧人民
  • ISBN:9787205105280
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:309
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Motivation of the study
  1.2  Rationale of the study
  1.3  Research questions
  1.4  The speaker predication of metadiscourse
  1.5  Methodology
  1.6  Major content ofthe study
Chapter 2 Literature Review
  2.1  Metadiscourse in the literature
  2.2  Metadiscourse recognized in the linguistic activity
  2.3  Metadiscourse and its syntactic role
  2.4  Metadiscourse of subjectivity
  2.5  Metadiscourse in semantic analysis
  2.6  Metadiscourse in evidentiality
  2.7  Metadiscourse in the functionalist view
  2.8  Metadiscourse in Crismore』S model
  2.9  The Cognitive—pragmatic approach
  2.10 Critique of the previous literature
  2.11 Statement of the problems
  2.12 Metadiscourse about the linguistic activity
Chapter 3 Metadiscourse from the Cogno—Semiotic Perspective
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  The interpersonal metadiscourse
  3.3  Metadiscourse in the linguisti~activity
  3.4  The metadiscourse in the speaker predication
  3.5  The predication of linguistic activity
  3.6  Higher-level semantic structure
  3.7  Summary
Chapter 4 The Speaker Predication
  4.1  Metadiscourse as the meta—level of discourse
  4.2  The speaker predication of metadiscourse
  4.3  Cognition in the speaker predication
  4.4  Summary
Chapter 5 Previous Mental Space Theories
  5.1  Cognitive perspective on metadiscourse
  5.2  The local metadiscourse
  5.3  Mental space theories
  5.4  Fauconnier and Turner』S mental space
  5.5  Brandt』S mental space blending model
  5.6  Expressive activity in the semiotic space
  5.7  The ethic script to the semiotic activity
  5.8  Summary
Chapter 6 Deictic I as Metadiscourse
  6.1  The literature of linguistic activity
  6.2  An issue of intersubjectivity
  6.3  Sel f-mentional metadi scourse
  6.4  The conscious speaker as default
  6.5  The reflecting speaker at higher level
  6.6  The interpreting speaker at higher level
  6.7  The self-mentioning metadiscourse

  6.8  Mental image of conscious activity
  6.9  The speaker』s roles in mental structure
  6.10 The conscious speaker at linguistic activity
  6.11 The speaker at the hierarchical structure
  6.12  Summary
Chapter 7 The Semantic Cascade
  7.1  Metadiscourse about linguistic activity
  7.2  Semantic cascade
  7.3  The semantic cascade of the linguistic activity
  7.4  The semantic phase of the epi~temic activity
  7.5  Mental structure of interaction
  7.6  The binding of the speaker』S roles
  7.7  Ethic value of the metadiscourse
  7.8  Summary
Chapter 8 The Typological Restrictions
  8.1  Metadiscourse at higher-level reference
  8.2  Metadiscourse of universality
  8.3  The typological universality
  8.4  Metadiscourse in the act of saying
  8.5  Chinese metadiscourse
  8.6  Predication of the speaker』S enunciation
  8.7  Restriction of English metadiscourse
  8.8  Enuniative activity in the mental structure
  8.9  Interpretation in the mental structure
  8.10  The ethic value relevant to speech
  8.11  Summary
Chapter 9 Categorizations of Metadiscourse
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Metadiscourse as signifier
  9.3  Ethic script of the metadiscourse
  9.4  Linguistic recourses as metadiscourse
  9.5  The self-conscious speaker
  9.6  Ethic value of helping of the metadiscourse
  9.7  Difference in categorizing the metadiscourse
  9.8  Categorization by Vande Kopple(1985)
  9.9  Frequency of metadiscourse in lectures
  9.10  Metadiscourse for scholarly discourse
  9.11  Metadiscourse with personal preference
  9.12  Summary
Chapter 10 Metadiscourse in Scholarly Discourse
  l0.1  Introduction
  10.2  Analytical procedure
  l0.3  As the reflective metadiscourse
  10.4  Hyland』S categorization
  10.5  Interactive metadiscourse
  l0.6  Interactional metadiscourse
  10.7  Summary
Chapter 11 Implication
  11.1  Linguistic activity vs.inguistic system
  11.2  Metadiscourse of the speaker predication

  11.3  Metadiscourse as the higher level of discourse
  11.4  Cognitive study of metadiscourse
  11.5  Limitations of the study
  11.6  Suggestions for further study

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