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  • 作者:編者:李本現//田德新//文曉莉|責編:李蕊
  • 出版社:西安交大
  • ISBN:9787569326239
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:528
人民幣:RMB 85 元      售價:



Unit One Intercultural Communication: An Overview
  Studying Intercultural Communication
  Notes in the History of Intercultural Communication
Unit Two Language and Culture
  Communicative Codes: Linguistic Aspects
  Language and Culture: Sounds and Actions
Unit Three Cultural Identity and Intercultural Communication
  Intercultural Dilemma in Multicultural Setting: Doing vs. Being
  Identity and Interpersonal Bonding
Unit Four Verbal Communication
  Verbal Intercultural Communication
  Relationships in Face-to-Face Communication
Unit Five Nonverbal Communication
  Nonverbal Intercultural Communication
  Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space
Unit Six Cultural Patterns and Perception
  Cultural Patterns and Communication: Taxonomies
  The Allegory of the Cave
Unit Seven Intercultural Communication--East and West
  Individualism -Collectivism and Personality
  Intercultural Conflict Styles: A Face-Negotiation Theory
Unit Eight Intercultural Barriers
  Attitudes toward the Culturally Different: The Role of Intercultural
  Communication Barriers, Affective Responses, Consensual Stereotypes, and Perceived Threat
  Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication
Unit Nine Intercultural Communication in Business, Management and Negotiation
  Negotiating Across Cultures
  Reconciling Cultural Dilemmas
Unit Ten Cultural Adaptation and Intercultural Competence
  Cross-Cultural Adaptation : Axioms
  The Potential for Intercultural Competence
Unit Eleven Theories of Intercultural Communication
  Theorizing about Intercultural Communication: An Introduction
  Measuring Culture: The Utility of Verifying Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
Unit Twelve Scholarship on Chinese Communication
  Chinese Communication Scholarship as an Expansion of the Communication and Culture Paradigm
  Construction of a Water and Game Theory for Intercultural Communication

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