幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:后疫情時代世界向何處去編寫組|責編:陳絲綸|譯者:姜曉寧//李洋//鄭蘊蓉//董明//嚴晶等
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119126289
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:440
人民幣:RMB 138 元      售價:



Chapter One  Crisis Posed by the Epidemic
  The Covid-19 Crisis Is Changing the World Profoundly
  Open Your Eyes at a Time of Great Change
  Crisis: An Opportunity for Mutual Learning Rather Than an Excuse for Reinforcing Prejudice
  Covid-19 Presents an Unprecedented Challenge to the International Political System
  Informal Remarks in a Time of Crisis
  Understand the World of Mutual Dependence in the Covid-19 Pandemic
  The Evolution and Endurance of Globalization Under the Impact of the Pandemic
  How the Pandemic Has Added to a Level of Major Change Unseen in a Century
Chapter Two  Combat the Pandemic as One
  The Pandemic Is Not a Contest of Political Systems – There Will Be No Loser from Cooperation
  Pandemic and Response: Economy, Security, and Identity
  Historic Inspiration from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Unity Instead of Antagonism
  Global Governance Can Only Be Enhanced Through Cooperation
  Global Cooperation Can Turn the Covid-19 Crisis into an Opportunity for Reform, Growth and Progress
  The Combat Against the Pandemic Helps Shape a Better Future
  Need for More Trust and Cooperation
  Collaboration Outperforms the Blame Game During the Crisis
  Countries May Learn from and Cooperate with Each Other in the Crisis
  Respond to Global Economic Uncertainty with Synergy and Resilience
  Combating Covid-19 Requires Scientific Rationality and Global Cooperation
  Only Shared and Common Humanity and Solidarity Can Save This World
  Muster the Full Force of Humanity to Fight the Pandemic While Avoiding the Populist Trap
  Multilateral Cooperation, Key to the Success in Fighting Pandemic and Economic Recovery
  Conquer Criticism with Reason in Confronting Plague
  Harmful Exceptionalism in Combating Covid-19
  International Community Must Stick to Facts, Science and Reason Against Pandemic
  Solidarity, the Key to International Relations
  Health Is the Essential Wellbeing of Humanity
  Share Responsibility for Triumph over Pandemic
  The Common Good Is a Matter of Survival - China's Fight Against Covid-19 from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Culture
  Build a Win-Win Cooperative Future Through the Fight Against the Pandemic
Chapter Three  Global Landscape After the Epidemic
  Win-Win Globalization in the Post-Pandemic Era
  Globalization in the Post-Pandemic Era
  Sustainable Development in the Post-Covid-19 Era
  Eco-Environmental Progress: the Future-Oriented Development Philosophy
  Face an Era of Expectations and Uncertainties with Full Confidence
  Pandemic Accelerates Technical Transformation and Innovation
  Cooperation with China Is a Good Starting Point in the Post-Pandemic Era
  Globalization – Evolving Towards Fairer Competition
  Vision of the Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
  New Goals and New Impetus - Hitting the Reset Button: Lives and Livelihoods After Covid-19
  Turning Crisis into Opportunity: China and US Should Continue to Lead Globalization
  In the Post-Pandemic Era, BRI Will Have Better Prospects
  China Will Benefit from Innovation in the Post-Pandemic Era
  Combating the Pandemic and Economic Recovery Must Benefit Everyone

  The World Must Reach a Consensus on the Future of Humanity After the Covid-19 Pandemic
  Post-Pandemic Era: Competitiveness Through Integration with the World
  Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Make an Important Contribution to Building a Healthy World
  Win-Win Relationship with China Also Benefits the US
  EU-China Bilateral Ties Towards a Shared Future
  Covid-19 Made China-ASEAN Ties Even Closer
  Reshape the Post-Pandemic World: Globalization for All Civilizations as Equals
  China Continues to Promote Eco-Progress in the Post-Pandemic Era
Chapter Four  Thoughts from the Pandemic
  New Dynamics in Global Governance
  Zero-Sum Thinking Cannot Solve Problems of Humanity
  A Wake-Up Call on Shared Future for Humanity
  The World in Dire Need of Thought Leadership
  What the World Can Learn from the Pandemic
  What Will the World Look Like After the Pandemic?
  For the Common Good: a Shared Value Reinforced by the Pandemic
  Blaming Others Is Dangerously Seductive
  Trade and Value Chains Are Vital to Global Poverty Reduction
  Olympism and Corona
  Abandoning Populism Is Key to Globalization
  The Pandemic Separates Virtues from Vices
  History Indicates That Trade Facilitates Recovery from Global Disasters
  Cultural Concerns During the Pandemic: the Power to Heal, to Recover and to Mobilize
  The World Economy Is Facing Short, Medium, and Long-Term Challenges
  Populism Cannot Protect the People
  Transcend Differences and Prejudices to Build Peace and Prosperity Together
  Investment in Education Determines China's Long-Term Economic Growth
  An Important Inspiration from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Strengthening the Public Sector
  Turn Crisis into Opportunity with New Ideas and New Technologies
  Deglobalization Is the Wrong Way to Resolve Industrial Chain Risks
  China and Foreign Companies Will Thrive in Coexistence for the Common Good
  The Future of Humanity Depends on Multilateral Cooperation
  We Should Actively Participate in Reconstructing Multilateralism

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