幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:萬孜//劉春華//汪銘|責編:陳軍東|總主編:趙雄
  • 出版社:武漢理工
  • ISBN:9787562966593
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:242
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Unit 1 About College Education
  Text A College - A Turning Point in My Life
  Grammar 分詞
  Text B What I Hope to Gain from College Education
  Test 單元一同步測試
Unit 2 How to Learn
  Text A Learning to Learn
  Grammar 動名詞
  Text B Maintaining Progress in Your English Studies
  Test 單元二同步測試
Unit 3 Economy of China
  The Development of Economy in China
  Text A
  Grammar 動詞不定式
  Text B Five Key Trends Driving China's E-Commerce Market
  Test 單元三同步測試
Unit 4 Wealth:How to Control It
  Text A How to Get Huge Savings on Your Grocery Bill
  Grammar 被動語態
  Text B Kids,I'm Giving It Away
  Test 單元四同步測試
Unit 5 Festivals
  Text A Love Is in the Air
  Grammar 名詞從句
  Text B Thanksgiving Day
  Test 單元五同步測試
Unit 6 Health Care
  Text A Heart Disease: Treat or Prevent?
  Grammar 定語從句
  Text B Dieting Your Way to Health
  Test 單元六同步測試
Unit 7 About Information Technology
  Text A The Internet
  Grammar 狀語從句
  Text B Will Humans of the Future Know How to Read and Write
  Test 單元七同步測試
Unit 8 Studying Abroad
  Text A American Students Studying Abroad
  Grammar 一致關係
  Text B Studying in the US:Growing Interest in Agriculture?
  Test 單元八同步測試
Vocabulary & Phrases

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