幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:謝立達|責編:王揚帆
  • 出版社:廈門大學
  • ISBN:9787561587287
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:210
人民幣:RMB 54 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Personal engagement with the research
  1.2  Rationale for the study
  1.3  Research questions
  1.4  A brief outline of the research design
  1.5  The significance of this study
  1.6  Outline and structure of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
  2.1  Research on teaching and learning Mandarin globally
  2.2  The context for introducing Mandarin in England
  2.3  Mandarin Chinese provision in England
  2.4  Literature review of motivation in MFL teaching and learning
  2.5  Motivation for learning languages in the UK
  2.6  Effective teaching and learning
  2.7  Conclusion
Chapter 3 Methodology
  3.1  Addressing the research questions
  3.2  The pragmatism stance and mixed methods design
  3.3  Research design
  3.4  Data analysis
  3.5  Validity and Reliability
  3.6  Ethicalissues
Chapter 4 The Rationale for Introducing Mandarin Chinese:Views of Head Teachers and Heads of Department
  4.1  Rationale for introducing Mandarin Chinese as a new language
  4.2  Patterns of provision in schools teaching Mandarin
  4.3  Support for teaching Mandarin Chinese
  4.4  Further challenges facing schools
Chapter 5 Teaching and Learning Mandarin Chinese in Practice
  5.1  Relevant professional teacher training
  5.2  Teachers』goals of teaching
  5.3  Teaching materials
  5.4  Issues in teaching
Chapter 6 Pupils』Feedback on Learning Mandarin Chinese in a Sample of Schools in an English Educational Context
  6.1  Pupils』background information
  6.2  When did the pupils start learning Mandarin
  6.3  Why did you choose Mandarin
  6.4  Do pupils enjoy their Mandarin class
  6.5  Do you like your Mandarin teacher
  6.6  What do pupils usually do during the Mandarin lesson
  6.7  What do you like most and least about learning Mandarin
  6.8  Is the Mandarin lesson different from other language lessons
  6.9  Can learning Mandarin help you do other subjects better
  6.10  Will pupils continue to learn Mandarin

  6.11  Do parents support pupils in learning Mandarin
  6.1  2 What do you think about the way your teachers teach Mandann
  6.13  Pupils』suggestions and advice for teachers
  6.14  What aspects of China and Chinese culture would you like to know about
Chapter 7 Discussion
  7.1  Rationale for introducing Mandarin Chinese as a new language in a sample of schools in England
  7.2  Classroom practice in the teaching of Mandarin
  7.3  Classroom activities
  7.4  Pupils』and teachers』perceptions
  7.5  Gender differences in learning Mandarin Chinese
Chapter 8 Conclusion
  8.1  Overview of key research findings
  8.2  Limitations of the research
  8.3  The research cOnl ributions
  8.4  Recommendations for further research

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