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  • 作者:(法)帕特里克·伊格萊西亞斯-澤穆爾|責編:陳亮//劉葉青
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519296087
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:529
人民幣:RMB 119 元      售價:



Preface to the revised print
Chapter 1.  Diffeology and Diffeological Spaces
  Linguistic Preliminaries
    Euclidean spaces and domains
    Sets, subsets, maps etc.
    Parametrizations in sets
    Smooth parametrizations in domains
  Axioms of Diffeology
    Diffeologies and diffeological spaces
    Plots of a diffeological space
    Diffeology or diffeological space?
    The set of diffeologies of a set
    Real domains as diffeological spaces
    The wire diffeology
    A diffeology for the circle
    A diffeology for the square
    A diffeology for the sets of smooth maps
  Smooth Maps and the Category Diffeology
    Smooth maps
    Composition of smooth maps
    Plots are smooth
  Comparing Diffeologies
    Fineness of diffeologies
    Fineness via the identity map
    Discrete diffeology
    Coarse diffeology
    Intersecting diffeologies
    Infimum of a family of diffeologies
    Supremum of a family of diffeologies
    Playing with bounds
  Pulling Back Diffeologies
    Pullbacks of diffeologies
    Smoothness and pullbacks
    Composition of pullbacks
    What is an induction?
    Composition of inductions
    Criterion for being an induction
    Surjective inductions
  Subspaces of Diffeological Spaces
    Subspaces and subset diffeology
    Smooth maps to subspaces
    Subspaces subsubspaces etc.
    Inductions identify source and image
    Restricting inductions to subspaces
    Discrete subsets of a diffeological space
  Sums of Diffeological Spaces
    Building sums with spaces

    Refining a sum
    Foliated diffeology
    Klein structure and singularities of a diffeological space
  Pushing Forward Diffeologies
    Pushforward of diffeologies
    Smoothness and pushforwards
    Composition of pushforwards
    What is a subduction?
    Compositions of subductions
    Criterion for being a subduction
    Injective subductions
  Quotients of Diffeological Spaces
    Quotient and quotient diffeology
    Smooth maps from quotients
    Uniqueness of quotient
    Sections of a quotient
    Strict maps, between quotients and subspaces
  Products of Diffeological Spaces
    Building products with spaces
    Projections on factors are subductions
  Functional Diffeology
    Functional diffeologies
    Restriction of the functional diffeology
    The composition is smooth
    Functional diffeology and products
    Functional diffeology on groups of diffeomorphisms
    Slipping X into (X,X),X)
    Functional diffeology of a diffeology
    Iterating paths
    Compact controlled diffeology
  Generating Families
    Generating diffeology
    Generated by the empty family
    Criterion of generation
    Generating diffeology as projector
    Fineness and generating families
    Adding and intersecting families
    Adding constants to generating family
    Lifting smooth maps along generating families
    Pushing forward families
    Pulling back families
    Nebula of a generating family
  Dimension of Diffeological Spaces
    Dimension of a diffeological space
    The dimension is a diffeological invariant
    Dimension of real domains
    Dimension zero spaces are discrete
    Dimensions and quotients of diffeologies
Chapter 2.  Locality and Diffeologies

Chapter 3.  Diffeological Vector Spaces
Chapter 4.  Modeling Spaces, Manifolds, etc.
Chapter 5.  Homotopy of Diffeological Spaces
Chapter 6.  Cartan-De Rham Calculus
Chapter 7.  Diffeological Groups
Chapter 8.  Diffeological Fiber Bundles
Chapter 9.  Symplectic Diffeology
Solutions to Exercises
Notation and Vocabulary

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