幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(阿根廷)阿道弗·M.加西亞|責編:周渝毅
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521339116
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:268
人民幣:RMB 50 元      售價:



Notes on previous works
INTRODUCTION  Translation, interpreting, and the brain behind it all
  Ⅰ.Stepping into the attic
  Ⅱ.Why should TIS be concerned with neurocognition?
  Ⅲ.Aims and target audience
  Ⅳ.The contents, at a glance
  Ⅴ.Conceptual delimitations
CHAPTER 1  Mind and brain in the study of translation and interpreting
  1.1  Minding the brain, braining the mind
  1.2  Outside the head: Non-neural cognitive approaches
    1.2.1  Rationalizing translation: Insights from analytical linguistics
    1.2.2  See but don't touch: The observational trend
    1.2.3  Take a look at yourself: Introducing TAPs
    1.2.4  From product to process: Corpus-based studies
    1.2.5  Quantifying performance
  1.3  Within the mind, without the brain: Appraising non-neural cognitive approaches
  1.4  Not black, not a box: Enter the brain
  1.5  Historicizing brain-based research on IR
    1.5.1  Milestones from the mid-twentieth century
    1.5.2  Milestones from the late twentieth century
    1.5.3  Milestones from the twenty-first century
  1.6  A role for neuroscience in contemporary TIS
CHAPTER 2  The toolkit
  2.1  Beyond MacGyver's knife
  2.2  Amatter of design
    2.2.1  Single-case designs
    2.2.2  Single-group designs
    2.2.3  Between-group designs
    2.2.4  Pre/post designs
  2.3  Mind games: A sampler of experimental paradigms
    2.3.1  Keeping it real
    2.3.2  Piece by piece
  2.4  The craft of manipulation
  2.5  Do it well, do it fast
  2.6  System breakdown
  2.7  The brain, in vivo  6o
    2.7.1  Non-invasive techniques
    2.7.2  Invasive techniques
  2.8  How (not) to interpret the data
  2.9  Final remarks
CHAPTER 3  Prolegomena to the translating and interpreting brain
  3.1  Laying the groundwork
  3.2  A primer on neurology
    3.2.1  The neocortex
    3.2.2  Some language-related subcortical structures
    3.2.3  Two keylanguage-related networks
    3.2.4  Neurons and synapses
    3.2.5  Cognitive processing as neuronal teamwork

  3.3  The verbal brain
    3.3.1  Tell me where: The functional neuroanatomy of language
    3.3.2  Electrified words: The neurophysiology of language
  3.4  It takes two to tango: The prerequisite ofbilingualism
    3.4.1  Linguistic mechanisms in the bilingual brain
    3.4.2  Executive mechanisms in the bilingual brain
  3.5  In a nutshell
CHAPTER 4  Building up from breakdown
  4.1  Lessons from lesions
  4.2  Disruptions of IR
    4.2.1  Compulsive translation
    4.2.2  Inability to translate
    4.2.3  Paradoxical translation behavior
    4.2.4  Translation without comprehension
  4.3  Charting the territory
    4.3.1  Taking sides
    4.3.2  A thing unto itself
    4.3.3  Coming and going
    4.3.4  Of words and concepts
    4.3.5  The unit determines the network
  4.4  Piecing it all together
    4.4.1  A neuroarchitectural model of translation routes
    4.4.2  A neural model of the systems subserving simultaneous
  4.5  Interpretive remarks
  4.6  From static maps to dynamic pictures
CHAPTER 5  The dynamics of directionality
  5.1  A sense of direction
  5.2  Multidimensional signatures of directionality
    5.2.1  Functional neuroimaging evidence
    5.2.2  Electrophysiological evidence
    5.2.3  Psycholinguistic evidence
  5.3  Back and forth
  5.4  In the right direction
CHAPTER 6  Process is as unit requires
  6.1  The process's raw material
  6.2  Conceiving translation units
  6.3  Spatiotemporal correlates of lexical and sentential translation units
    6.3.1  Functional neuroimaging evidence
    6.3.2  Electrophysiological evidence
    6.3.3  Psycholinguistic evidence
  6.4  Uniting it all
  6.5  From unitary to unit-sensitive
CHAPTER 7  The interpreter's brain
  7.1  The art of self-sculpting
  7.2  Simultaneous interpreting, or extreme bilingual processing
  7.3  En route to expertise
    7.3.1  So different, so fast
  7.4  Keep the change (and make it broader)
    7.4.1  Brains interpreting interpreting brains

  7.5  The plastic nature of IR systems
CHAPTER 8  A story in the making
  8.1  The tale of the attic
  8.2  Q&A
  8.3  The good...
  8.4  ...and the bad
  8.5  Needs assessment
    8.5.1  More, better science
    8.5.2  An institutional architecture
  8.6  Parting words
About the author
List of figures and tables
List of acronyms and abbreviations

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