幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(英)麗塔·格林|責編:周渝毅
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521338959
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:210
人民幣:RMB 41 元      售價:



1  What is involved in assessing listening?
  1.1  What the listening process involves
  1.2  How listening differs between contexts and listeners
  1.3  How listening input varies
  1.4  How the spoken and written forms of the language differ
  1.5  What makes listening difficult?
    1.5.1  Nature of listening  No permanent record  Lack of『real' gaps  Lack of redundancy
    1.5.2  Complexity of processing  Multi-tasking  Controlled versus automatic processing
    1.5.3  Input  Content  Topic  Sound quality  Mode of delivery
    1.5.4  Task
    1.5.5  Listening environment
    1.5.6  Speaker characteristics  Speed of delivery  Number and type of voices
    1.5.7  Listeners』 characteristics
  1.6  Why is assessing listening important?
  1.7  Summary
    1.7.1  Task development cycle
2  How can test specifications help?
  2.1  What are test specifications?
  2.2  Purpose of the test
  2.3  Target test population
  2.4  The construct
  2.5  Performance conditions
    2.5.1  Input  Source  Authenticity  Quality  Level of difficulty  Topics  Discourse type  Nature of content  Number of sound files needed  Length of sound files  Mode of delivery  Number of times heard  Speaker characteristics
    2.5.2  Task  Instructions and the example  Test method  Number of items  Number of tasks
    2.5.3  Criteria of assessment
  2.6  Why do we need test specifications?
  2.7  Summary
3  How do we exploit sound files?
4  How do we develop a listening task?
5  What makes a good listening task?
6  How do we know if the listening task works?
7  How do we report scores and set pass marks?
DLT Bibliography

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