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  • 作者:編者:曹晉//(加)文森特·莫斯可|責編:鍾瑾
  • 出版社:上海譯文
  • ISBN:9787532790647
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:506
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:



Part I. Introduction
  Neoliberalism and the Next Internet
Part II. Theory
  1. Communication, Circulation of Capital, and Platformisation
  2. Attention, Economy and the Brain
  3. The (Re)Production of Publicness and Privateness in the Liquid Modern Society
  4. How to Think about Smart Cities
  5. Carrying the Flame
  6. Neoliberal Fascism as the Endpoint of Casino Capitalism
  7. The Jobs Strategy: From Neo- to Inclusive Liberalism?
  8. America's Troll Farm Media
  9. Green Accounting for a Creative Economy
Part III. Political Economy
  10. The Political Economy of the Hack
  11. Commons Praxis: Toward a Critical Political Economy of the Digital Commons
  12. The Rise of Corporational Determinism: Digital Media Corporations and Narratives of Media Change
  13. National Security Culture: Gender,  Race, and Class in the Production of Imperial Citizenship
  14. The Marketized Museum: New Museology in a Corporatized World Davina DesRoches
Part IV. Media: Old and New
  15. Post Corona Film and Television: Stream It, Skip It or Revolutionize It? Dennis Broe
  16. The Transcultural Political Economy of Telenovelas and Soap Operas in the Digital Age
  17. Reality TV or the Secret Theater of Neoliberalism
  18. Cybertarianism Further Exposed: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and the Covid Conjucture
  19. From Internet Farming to Weapons of the Geek
  20. Automating surveillance
Part V. Labour
  21. Ghosts in the Machine
  22. The Information Process and the Labour Process in the Information Age
  23. Cybertarian Flexibility--When Prosumers Join the Cognitariat, All That is Scholarship Melts Into Air
  24. At Work in the Digital Newsroom
  25. Digital Debt Labour: Migration, Deportation and Offshoring in Mexico
Part VI. Policy
  26. Neoliberal Visions and Revisions in Global Communications Policy from NWICO to WSIS
  27. Digital Hegemony: Net Neutrality, the Value Gap, and Corporate Interests
  28. The Dark Side of Digital Politics: Understanding the Algorithmic Manufacturing of Consent and the Hindering of Online Dissidence
  29. Fighting for the Internet: Online Blackout Protests and Internet Legislation in the United States, 1996 - 2018

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