幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:閻黎明//鄒燦|責編:朱莉芝|總主編:翟象俊//段成
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309130072
  • 出版日期:2017/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:130
人民幣:RMB 35 元      售價:



Lesson One  Higher Education in China
  Part Ⅰ  Text
  Sending Children to Overseas Universities
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  What We Can't Learn at College
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  The Number of Chinese College Students Ranking No.1
  in the World
Lesson Two  Culture in One-belt & One-road Area
  Part Ⅰ  Text
  One Belt, One Road
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  My Experience in Shanxi Province
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  Expo Guests Experience Traditional Chinese Medicine
Lesson Three  Economy
  Part Ⅰ  Text
  Japanese Economy Remains Weak
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  Will Freelance Guides Make Tourism More Enjoyable?
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  London's Position as International Financial Center at Risk
Lesson Four  Public Security
  Part Ⅰ   Text
  Web Antifraud
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  Protect Your Privacy When Hunting Job Online
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  "Precobs" System
Lesson Five  New Technology
  Part Ⅰ  Text
  Roadblocks and Implications for 3D Printing
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  How Will Driverless Technology Change Our Lives?
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  Artificial Intelligence: Helpful and Dangerous
Lesson Six  Environment
  Part Ⅰ  Text
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  China Emerges as Global Climate Leader in the Wake of
  Trump's Triumph
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  Climate Changing Makes Diseases Worse
Lesson Seven  Energy
  Part Ⅰ   Text
  Alternative Energy Sources: Solar and Wind Power
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  Energy Conservation
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze

Lesson Eight  Entertainment
  Part Ⅰ  Text
  Yoga as a Lifestyle
  Part Ⅱ  Information Match
  Street Food Around the World
  Part Ⅲ  Banked Cloze
  National Day Bookings for Travel to US up Threefold
Appendix Key to the Exercises

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