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  • 作者:編者:謝小苑|責編:周航//劉艷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302551768
  • 出版日期:2020/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:347
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:



Unit One
  Science and Technology
  Part A Lecture科技英語的特點
  Part B Reading Pure and Applied Science
  Part C Extended Reading Branches of Science
Unit Two
  Science and Technology in the Past
  Part A Lecture翻譯概論
  Part B Reading Science and Technology in Traditional China
  Part C Extended Reading List of Chinese Inventions
Unit Three
  Language of Science
  Part A Lecture科技術語的翻譯
  Part B Reading Numbers and Mathematics
  Part C Extended Reading Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering
Unit Four
  Physical Science
  Part A Lecture詞類轉換法
  Part B Reading Physics
  Part C Extended Reading Relationship of Chemistry to Other Sciences and Industry
Unit Five
  Earth Science
  Part A Lecture增詞法與減詞法
  Part B Reading The Scope of Geology
  Part C Extended Reading Paleontology
Unit Six
  Life Science (I)
  Part A Lecture被動語態的翻譯
  Part B Reading History of Biology
  Part C Extended Reading Branches of Biology
Unit Seven
  Life Science (II)
  Part A Lecture定語從句的翻譯
  Part B Reading It』s Not 「All in the Genes」
  Part C Extended Reading Genetically Modified Foods
Unit Eight
  Part A Lecture長句的翻譯
  Part B Reading The Plane Makers
  Part C Extended Reading How Aircraft Are Built
Unit Nine
  Part A Lecture段落的翻譯
  Part B Reading The Scientific Exploration of Space
  Part C Extended Reading Introduction to Space Exploration
Unit Ten
  Civil Aviation
  Part A Lecture科技文章的翻譯
  Part B Reading Civil Aviation Faces Green Challenge
  Part C Extended Reading A Brief Introduction to the International Public Air Law

Unit Eleven
  Computer Science
  Part A Lecture產品說明書的翻譯
  Part B Reading Artificial Intelligence
  Part C Extended Reading Big Data
Unit Twelve
  Mechanical Engineering
  Part A Lecture科技文章檢索
  Part B Reading The Engineering Profession
  Part C Extended Reading Functions of Mechanical Engineering
Key and Reference for Translation

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