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  • 作者:編者:楊海英//王紅霞//任遠|責編:郝妮娜
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301331439
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:328
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Unit 1 Navy
  Text A China Navy, Organization and Missions
  Text B United States Navy
  Text C The Influence of Sea Power upon History
Unit 2 Surface Ships
  Text A Chinese Destroyers
  Text B USN's New Littoral Combat Ships (LCS)
  Text C The Routines of a Ship
Unit 3 Submarine
  Text A A Glimpse of American Strikers Beneath the Sea
  Text B Choke Point: Anti-Submarine Warfare in the Indian Ocean
  Text C Submariners Defy Death in the Depths
Unit 4 Naval Aviation
  Text A PLAN Aviation Force
  Text B A Glimpse of Aircraft Carrier
  Text C Shipborne Helicopters—The Cos Extended Arm
Unit 5 Marine Corps
  Text A PLAN Marine Corps
  Text B The United States Marine Corps
  Text C Marine Expeditionary Unit
Unit 6 Logistics
  Text A PLA Logistic Supply and Support
  Text B The US Naval Logistics
  Text C The US Navy Programs for Improving Quality of Life
Unit 7 Navigation
  Text A Navigation Basics
  Text B Weather Report
  Text C International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Unit 8 Operations and Joint Exercises
  Text A RIMPAC 2014, with China's Participation
  Text B NATO's BALTOPS-2019 and Russia's Response
  Text C Development of China's Naval Communication Network: Present and Future
Unit 9 Ship Building and Handling
  Text A Stealth Zumwalt-Class Destroyers at Different Stages of Development
  Text B Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Annual Long-Range Plan for Construction of Naval Ships
  Text C Damage Control
Unit 10 Power Plant
  Text A Electromagnetic Aireraft Launch System (EMALS)
  Text B Marine Nuclear Propulsion
  Text C Ship Electric Propulsion
Unit 11 Network-centric Warfare
  Text A The Electronic Warfare and Cyber War
  Text B Radar
  Text C A Global Network for a Modern Navy
Unit 12 Weaponry
  Text A Navy Weapons Strategy for Future Maritime Operations
  Text B The World's Deadliest Torpedoes
  Text C Missiles
Unit 13 Coastal Defense Force
  Text A The PLAN Coast Defense Force

  Text B The United States Coast Guard
  Text C Coast Guard College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative (CSPI)
Unit 14 The Law of the Sea
  Text A An Overview of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
  Text B US Provocation in South China Sea-Acting in Defiance of the International Law
  Text C The Hague Arbitration on the China-Philippines Sea Dispute
Unit 15 Naval Academy
  Text A Famous Chinese Naval Academies
  Text B United States Naval Academy
  Text C The Reform of Military Education: Twenty-Five Years Later
Unit 16 Port Visit and Escort Mission
  Text A China Takes to the Sea
  Text B Port Visit
  Text C Naval Customs and Courtesies
  附錄1  中國人民解放軍軍制主要用語
  附錄2  中、美、英海軍軍銜中、英文表達法
  附錄3  海軍艦艇主要武器裝備列表
  附錄4  美國海軍編製體制
  附錄5  常用縮略語列表

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