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  • 作者:編者:常紅梅|責編:黃瑞明|總主編:常紅梅
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301093252
  • 出版日期:2009/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:270
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ  高職常用考試作文介紹(Types of English Writing Tests)
  Chapter Ⅰ  劍橋商務英語(BEC)考試作文(Writing Styles in Business English Certificate)
    Unit 1  劍橋商務英語(BEC)初級考試作文(BEC Preliminary)
    Unit 2  劍橋商務英語(BEC)中級考試作文(BEC Vantage)
  Chapter Ⅱ  高等學校英語應用能力(AB級)考試作文(Writing Styles in Practical English Test for Colleges Band A & B)
    Unit 1  高等學校英語應用能力考試(AB級)寫作要求及評分標準(Requirements and Grading Criteria)
    Unit 2  高等學校英語應用能力考試(AB級)寫作應對策略(Writing Strategy)
Part Ⅱ  寫作基礎知識(Fundamentals of English Writing)
  Chapter Ⅰ  英語句子(English Sentence Writing)
    Unit 1  英語基本句型和從句(English Sentence Structure and Clauses)
    Unit 2  常見錯誤分析(Common Errors)
    Unit 3  好句子的標準(Good and Effective Sentences)
  Chapter Ⅱ  英語段落寫作(English Paragraph Writing)
    Unit 1  段落的構成(Paragraph Structure)
    Unit 2  段落的展開方式(Ways of Developing a Paragraph)
    Unit 3  段落的基本特徵(Good and Effective Paragraph)
  Chapter Ⅲ  英語短文寫作(English Essay Writing)
    Unit 1  短文的構成(Essay Structure)
    Unit 2  短文的種類(Types of English Essays)
    Unit 3  標點符號(Punctuations)
Part Ⅲ  英語應用文寫作(Practical Writing)
  Chapter Ⅰ  英語應用文概述(General Remarks on Practical English Writing)
    Unit 1  英語應用文寫作的相關知識(Knowledge of Practical English Writing)
    Unit 2  英文信函的書寫格式(Layout of English Letter Writing)
    Unit 3  英文信函的構成部分(Elements of English Letter Writing)
  Chapter Ⅱ  常見社交書信類型及範例(Social Letters and Samples)
    Unit 1  求職信(Letters of Application)
    Unit 2  辭職信(Letters of Resignation)
    Unit 3  推薦信(Letters of Recommendation)
    Unit 4  介紹信(Letters of Introduction)
    Unit 5  感謝信(Letters of Thanks)
    Unit 6  道歉信(Letters of Apology)
    Unit 7  祝賀信及回復(Letters of Congratulations and Their Replies)
    Unit 8  慰問信(Letters of Consolation)
    Unit 9  邀請信及回復(Letters of Invitation and Their Replies)
    Unit 10  投訴信及回復(Letters of Complaint and Their Replies)
    Unit 11  建議信(Letters of Suggestions)
    Unit 12  詢問信(Letters of Inquiry)
    Unit 13  電子郵件(E-mail)
    Unit 14  傳真(Faxes)
  Chapter Ⅲ  個人簡歷(Resumes)
    Unit 1  簡歷的基本要點(Main Points Included in Resumes)
    Unit 2  簡歷的一般格式(Layout of Resumes)
    Unit 3  常見實例(Samples)
    Unit 4  常用表達和句型(Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns)
  Chapter Ⅳ  表格(Forms)
    Unit 1
  Chapter Ⅴ  其他日常應用文寫作(Writings for Daily Use)
    Unit 1  通知、海報與啟事(Notices, Posters and Announcements)
    Unit 2  備忘錄和電話記錄(Memos and Telephone Messages)
    Unit 3  便條(Notes)
    Unit 4  廣告(Advertisements)
參考答案(Key to Exercises)

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