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  • 作者:(荷)傑拉德·特·胡夫特|責編:陳亮//劉葉青
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519296018
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:298
人民幣:RMB 129 元      售價:


    傑拉德·特·胡夫特(Gerard't Hooft),荷蘭烏得勒支大學(University of Utrecht)理論物理學教授。他曾任教於哈佛大學(Harvard)、斯坦福線性加速器中心(SLAC),以及加州理工學院(Caltech)。他的傑出榮譽包括:獲得諾貝爾物理學獎(1999年)、美國物理學會丹妮·海涅曼數學物理獎(Dannie Heineman Prize)、芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)科學名譽博士,以及荷蘭洛侖茲獎章[Lorentz Medal,KNAW(荷蘭皇家科學院)]等。

Part I The Cellular Automaton Interpretation as a General Doctrine
  1  Motivation for This Work
    1.1  Why an Interpretation Is Needed
    1.2  Outline of the Ideas Exposed in Part i
    1.3  A 19th Century Philosophy
    1.4  Brief History of the Cellular Automaton
    1.5  Modem Thoughts About Quantum Mechanics
    1.6  Notation
  2  Deterministic Models in Quantum Notation
    2.1  The Basic Structure of Deterministic Models
      2.1.1  Operators: Beables, Changeables and Superimposables
    2.2  The Cogwheel Model
      2.2.1  Generalizations of the Cogwheel Model: Cogwheels with N Teeth
      2.2.2  The Most General Deterministic, Time Reversible, Finite Model
  3  Interpreting Quantum Mechanics
    3.1  The Copenhagen Doctrine
    3.2  The Einsteinian View
    3.3  Notions Not Admitted in the CAI
    3.4  The Collapsing Wave Function and Schrrdinger's Cat
    3.5  Decoherence and Born's Probability Axiom
    3.6  Bell's Theorem, Bell's Inequalities and the CHSH Inequality
    3.7  The Mouse Dropping Function
      3.7.1  Ontology Conservation and Hidden Information
    3.8  Free Will and Time Inversion
  4  Deterministic Quantum Mechanics
    4.1  Introduction
    4.2  The Classical Limit Revisited
    4.3  Born's Probability Rule
      4.3.1  The Use of Templates
      4.3.2  Probabilities
  5  Concise Description of the CA Interpretation
    5.1  Time Reversible Cellular Automata
    5.2  The CAT and the CAI
    5.3  Motivation
      5.3.1  The Wave Function of the Universe
    5.4  The Rules
    5.5  Features of the Cellular Automaton Interpretation (CAI)
      5.5.1  Beables, Changeables and Superimposables
      5.5.2  Observers and the Observed
      5.5.3  Inner Products of Template States
      5.5.4  Density Matrices
    5.6  The Hamiltonian
      5.6.1  Locality
      5.6.2  The Double Role of the Hamiltonian
      5.6.3  The Energy Basis
    5.7  Miscellaneous
      5.7.1  The Earth-Mars Interchange Operator
      5.7.2  Rejecting Local Counterfactual Definiteness and Free Will
      5.7.3  Entanglement and Superdeterminism
      5.7.4  The Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics

      5.7.5  The Vacuum State
      5.7.6  A Remark About Scales
      5.7.7  Exponential Decay
      5.7.8  A Single Photon Passing Through a Sequence of Polarizers
      5.7.9  The Double Slit Experiment
    5.8  The Quantum Computer
  6  Quantum Gravity
  7  Information Loss
    7.1  Cogwheels with Information Loss
    7.2  Time Reversibility of Theories with Information Loss
    7.3  The Arrow of Time
    7.4  Information Loss and Thermodynamics
  8  More Problems
    8.1  What Will Be the CA for the SM
    8.2  The Hierarchy Problem
  9  Alleys to Be Further Investigated and Open Questions
    9.1  Positivity of the Hamiltonian
    9.2  Second Quantization in a Deterministic Theory
    9.3  Information Loss and Time Inversion
    9.4  Holography and Hawking Radiation
  10  Conclusions
    10.1  The CAI
    10.2  Counterfactual Definiteness
    10.3  Superdeterminism and Conspiracy
      10.3.1  The Role of Entanglement
      10.3.2  Choosing a Basis
      10.3.3  Correlations and Hidden Information
    10.4  The Importance of Second Quantization
Part II Calculation Techniques
  11  Introduction to Part i
    11.1  Outline of Part
    11.2  Notation
    11.3  More on Dirac's Notation for Quantum Mechanics
  12  More on Cogwheels
    12.1  The Group SU(2), and the Harmonic Rotator
    12.2  Infinite, Discrete Cogwheels
    12.3  Automata that Are Continuous in Time
  13  The Continuum Limit of Cogwheels, Harmonic Rotators and
    13.1  The Operator ~Pop in the Harmonic Rotator
    13.2  The Harmonic Rotator in the x Frame
  14  Locality
  15  Fermions
    15.1  The Jordan-Wigner Transformation
    15.2  'Neutrinos' in Three Space Dimensions
      15.2.1  Algebra of the Beable 'Neutrino' Operators
      15.2.20  rthonormality and Transformations of the 'Neutrino
    Beable States
      15.2.3  Second Quantization of the 'Neutrinos
    15.3  The 'Neutrino' Vacuum Con'elations

  16  PQ Theory
    16.1  The Algebra of Finite Displacements
      16.1.1  From the One-Dimensional Infinite Line to the Two-Dimensional Torus
      16.1.2  The States IQ, P) in the q Basis
    16.2  Transformations in the PQ Theory
    16.3  Resume of the Quasi-periodic Phase Function

    16.4  The Wave Function of the State 10, 0)
  17  Models in Two Space-Time Dimensions Without Interactions
    17.1  Two Dimensional Model of Massless Bosons
      17.1.1  Second-Quantized Massless Bosons in Two Dimensions
      17.1.2  The Cellular Automaton with Integers in 2 Dimensions
      17.1.3  The Mapping Between the Boson Theory and the Automaton
      17.1.4  An Alternative Ontological Basis: The Compactified Model
      17.1.5  The Quantum Ground State
    17.2  Bosonic Theories in Higher Dimensions
      17.2.1  Instability
      17.2.2  Abstract Formalism for the Multidimensional Harmonic Oscillator
    17.3  (Super)strings
      17.3.1  String Basics
      17.3.2  Strings on a Lattice
      17.3.3  The Lowest String Excitations
      17.3.4  The Superstring
      17.3.5  Deterministic Strings and the Longitudinal Modes
      17.3.6  Some Brief Remarks on (Super)string Interactions
  18  Symmetries
    18.1  Classical and Quantum Symmetries
    18.2  Continuous Transformations on a Lattice
      18.2.1  Continuous Translations
      18.2.2  Continuous Rotations 1 : Covering the Brillouin Zone with Circular Regions
      18.2.3  Continuous Rotations 2: Using Noether Charges and a Discrete Subgroup
      18.2.4  Continuous Rotations 3: Using the Real Number Operators p and q Constructed Out of P and Q
      18.2.5  Quantum Symmetries and Classical Evolution
      18.2.6  Quantum Symmetries and Classical Evolution
    18.3  Large Symmetry Groups in the CAI
  19  The Discretized Hamiltonian Formalism in PQ Theory
    19.1  The Vacuum State, and the Double Role of the Hamiltonian (Cont'd)
    19.2  The Hamilton Problem for Discrete Deterministic Systems
    19.3  Conserved Classical Energy in PQ Theory
      19.3.1  Multi-dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
    19.4  More General, Integer-Valued Hamiltonian Models with Interactions
      19.4.1  One-Dimensional System: A Single Q, P Pair
      19.4.2  The Multi-dimensional Case
      19.4.3  The Lagrangian
      19.4.4  Discrete Field Theo
      20.4.1  Non-convergence of the Coupling Constant Expansion
    20.5  The Algebraic Structure of the General, Renormalizable Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
    20.6  Vacuum Fluctuations, Correlations and Commutators
    20.7  Commutators and Signals
    20.8  The Renormalization Group
  21  The Cellular Automaton
    21.1  Local Time Reversibility by Switching from Even to Odd Sites and Back
      21.1.1  The Time Reversible Cellular Automaton
      21.1.2  The Discrete Classical Hamiltonian Model
    21.2  The Baker Campbell Hausdorff Expansion
    21.3  Conjugacy Classes
  22  The Problem of Quantum Locality
    22.1  Second Quantization in Cellular Automata
    22.2  More About Edge States
    22.3  Invisible Hidden Variables
    22.4  How Essential Is the Role of Gravity
  23  Conclusions of Part II
Appendix A Some Remarks on Gravity in 2 + 1 Dimensions
  A.1  Discreteness of Time
Appendix B A Summary of Our Views on Conformal Gravity
Appendix C Abbreviations

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