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  • 作者:向明友//賈勉//卜曉暉|責編:劉文靜
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301329351
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:167
人民幣:RMB 52 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Definitions of pragmatics
  1.2  Meaning and context
  1.3  Development of pragmatics
  1.4  Organization of the book
  1.5  Review
Chapter 2  Deixis
  2.1  Preliminaries
  2.2  Deictic and non?deictic uses
  2.3  Types of deixis
    2.3.1  Person deixis
    2.3.2  Time deixis
    2.3.3  Place deixis
    2.3.4  Social deixis
    2.3.5  Discourse deixis
  2.4  Applications: Chinese vocatives as pragmatic markers
    2.4.1  Introduction
    2.4.2  Vocatives and coherence
    2.4.3  Vocatives and involvement
    2.4.4  Vocatives and (im)politeness
  2.5  Review
Chapter 3  Presupposition
  3.1  Entailment
    3.1.1  Preliminaries
    3.1.2  Types of entailment
  3.2  Presupposition
    3.2.1  Preliminaries
    3.2.2  Types of presupposition
    3.2.3  Properties of presupposition
    3.2.4  Presupposition trigger
  3.3  A comparison between entailment and presupposition
  3.4  Applications: Entailment and presupposition in real life
    3.4.1  English writing
    3.4.2  Interpersonal communication
  3.5  Review
Chapter 4  Implicature
  4.1  Preliminaries
    4.1.1  Natural and non-natural meaning
    4.1.2  Implicature and implication
  4.2  Types of implicature
    4.2.1  Conversational and conventional implicatures
    4.2.2  Generalized and particularized conversational implicatures
    4.2.3  Scalar, alternate, and clausal implicatures
  4.3  Classical Gricean Theory
    4.3.1  Cooperative principle
    4.3.2  Creation of conversational implicature
    4.3.3  Criticisms of Gricean theory
  4.4  Neo?Gricean and Post?Gricean Theories
    4.4.1  Levinson』s Q?, I?, and M?Principles
    4.4.2  Horn』s Q? and R?Principles

    4.4.3  Sperber & Wilson』s Principle of Relevance
    4.4.4  Retrospections
  4.5  Properties of conversational implicature
  4.6  Applications: Exploiting the four Maxims in Friends
    4.6.1  Exploiting the Maxim of Quantity
    4.6.2  Exploiting the Maxim of Quality
    4.6.3  Exploiting the Maxim of Relation
    4.6.4  Exploiting the Maxim of Manner
  4.7  Review
Chapter 5  Speech Acts
  5.1  Preliminaries
    5.1.1  Performative?constative dichotomy
    5.1.2  The performative hypothesis
  5.2  Austin』s theorizing of speech acts
    5.2.1  Felicity conditions on performatives
    5.2.2  Locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts
    5.2.3  Types of illocutionary force
  5.3  Searle』s theorizing of speech acts
    5.3.1  Felicity conditions on speech acts
    5.3.2  Typology of speech acts
    5.3.3  Direct and indirect speech acts
  5.4  Recent developments in Speech Act Theory
    5.4.1  Study of perlocution
    5.4.2  Classifications of speech acts
    5.4.3  Sequencing in speech acts
  5.5  Speech acts across cultures and contexts
    5.5.1  Cross?cultural variations
    5.5.2  Intra?language variations
  5.6  Applications: Persuasion in Chinese online forum requests
    5.6.1  Introduction
    5.6.2  Ethos: Projecting self to the requestees
    5.6.3  Pathos: Awakening the emotion of the requestees
    5.6.4  Logos: Reasoning with the requestees
  5.7  Review
Chapter 6  Politeness and Impoliteness
  6.1  Theorizing politeness
    6.1.1  Characterizing politeness
    6.1.2  Politeness as strategic face management
    6.1.3  Politeness as a conversational maxim
    6.1.4  Politeness as situated evaluation
  6.2  Theorizing impoliteness
    6.2.1  Types of impoliteness
    6.2.2  Impoliteness as strategic face attacks
    6.2.3  Impoliteness as conversational maxims
    6.2.4  Impoliteness as a discursive practice
  6.3  Some potential issues in (im)politeness research
  6.4  Applications: Politeness in online forum requests
    6.4.1  Introduction
    6.4.2  Bald on record strategies
    6.4.3  Positive politeness strategies

    6.4.4  Negative politeness strategies
  6.5  Review
Chapter 7  Research Methods
  7.1  Literature mining
    7.1.1  Four types of exigences
    7.1.2  Review articles and bibliographies
    7.1.3  Search engines and databases
    7.1.4  Bibliometric analysis and knowledge visualization
  7.2  Data collection
    7.2.1  Interviews
    7.2.2  Questionnaires
    7.2.3  Discourse completion tests
    7.2.4  Role plays
    7.2.5  Recordings
    7.2.6  Trending methods
  7.3  Analytical methods
    7.3.1  Conversation analysis and discourse analysis
    7.3.2  Statistical analysis
  7.4  Review
Appendix One  Resources
Appendix Two  Research Notes

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