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  • 作者:(沙烏地阿拉伯)蘇菲安·穆納瓦爾|責編:劉立娟
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787560340340
  • 出版日期:2022/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:211
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Literature review
  1.2  Preliminaries
    1.2.1  Governing laws
  1.3  Boundary-layer equations in cylindrical coordinates
  1.4  Basic definitions
    1.4.1  Boundary-layer thickness
    1.4.2  Displacement thickness
    1.4.3  Momentum thickness
    1.4.4  Skin friction
    1.4.5  Nusselt number
    1.4.6  Reynolds number
    1.4.7  Hartmann number
    1.4.8  Strouhal number
    1.4.9  Prandtl number
    1.4.10  Eckert number
    1.4.11  Squared residual error
2  Boundary-layer flow inside and over long thin moving pipe
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Magnetohydrodynamic flow inside permeable moving pipe
    2.2.1  Mathematical formulation
    2.2.2  Solution of the problem
    2.2.3  Convergence of the series solution
    2.2.4  Flow characteristics
    2.2.5  Conclusion
  2.3  Local non-similarity flow past impulsively started cylinder
    2.3.1  Mathematical Formulation
    2.3.2  Solution of the problem
    2.3.3  Convergence of the series solution
    2.3.4  Flow characteristics
    2.3.5  Conclusion
3  Flow and heat transfer near rotating pipe
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Magnetohydrodynamic flow in permeable rotating pipe at slowlyexpanding and contracting wall
    3.2.1  Mathematical formulation
    3.2.2  Solution of the problem
    3.2.3  Convergence of the series solution
    3.2.4  Flow characteristics
    3.2.5  Conclusion
  3.3  Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer over stretchable rotating cylinder
    3.3.1  Formulation of the problem
    3.3.2  Solution of the problem
    3.3.3  Results and discussion
    3.3.4  Conclusion
4  Unsteady boundary-layer flow and heat transfer over stretching cylinder
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Flow analysis
    4.2.1  Mathematical formulation
  4.3  Heat transfer analysis
  4.4  Solution of the problem

    4.4.1  Solution by HAM
    4.4.2  Convergence and accuracy of HAM
    4.4.3  Solution by finite difference
  4.5  Results and discussion
    4.5.1  Flow characteristics
    4.5.2  Heat transfer characteristics
  4.6  Conclusion
5  Flow and heat transfer over oscillatory stretching cylinder
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Flow analysis
    5.2.1  Mathematical formulation
  5.3  Heat transfer analysis
  5.4  Solution of the problem
  5.5  Results and discussion
    5.5.1  Flow characteristics
    5.5.2  Heat transfer characteristics
  5.6  Conclusion
6  Stagnation point flow and heat transfer over rotating disk impinges the oncoming flow
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Flow analysis
    6.2.1  Mathematical formulation
  6.3  Heat transfer analysis
  6.4  Solution of the problem
  6.5  Results and discussion
    6.5.1  Solution domain
    6.5.2  Flow characteristics
    6.5.3  Heat transfer characteristics
  6.6  Conclusion
7  Squeezing flow and heat transfer inrotating channel of lowerstretchinl wall
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  Flow analysis
    7.2.1  Mathematical formulation
  7.3  Heat transfer analysis
  7.4  Solution of the problem
    7.4.1  Numerical solution
    7.4.2  Analytical solution
  7.5  Results and discussion
    7.5.1  Flow characteristics
    7.5.2  Heat transfer characteristics
  7.6  Conclusion

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