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  • 作者:編者:劉長聲//楊金玲//顧曉斌|責編:李煒//一文
  • 出版社:中國對外經貿
  • ISBN:9787801817440
  • 出版日期:2007/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:189
人民幣:RMB 31 元      售價:



Chapter One Brief Introduction to International Trade
  Section 1 International Trade
  Section 2 The Main Payment Terms
  Chapt er Two Contract
  Section 1 Introduction to Contract
  Section 2 Signature of Contract
  Chapt er Three Letter of Credit
  Section 1 General View of Letter of Credit
  Section 2 Examination of Letter of Credit
  Section 3 SWIFT Letter of Credit
  Chapt er Four Layout and Principles of Documents
  Section 1 General View of Documents
  Section 2 The Principles and Procedure of Documentation
  Chapt er Five Financial Documents
  Section 1 Bill of Exchange/Draft
  Section 2 Promissory Note
  Section 3 Cheque
Chapter Six Commercial Documents
  Section 1 Commercial Invoice
  Section 2 Other Invoices
Chapter Seven Packing Documents
  Section 1 Packing List
  Section 2 Weight List
Chapter Eight Shipping Documents
  Section 1 Bill of Lading
  Section 2 Other Transport Documents
Chapter Nine Insurance Documents
  Section 1 General View of Insurance
  Section 2 Insurance Documents
Chapter Ten Official Documents
  Section 1 Certificate of Origin
  Section 2 Inspection Certificate
Chapter Eleven Other Kinds of Certificates
  Section 1 Shipping Advice & Instruction
  Section 2 Beneficiary's Certificate
Chapter Twelve Check Negotiating Documents
  Section 1 General Principles and Method for Documents Checking
  Section 2 Main Checklists for Documents Checking
  Section 3 Frequently Noted Discrepancies in Documents Checking
  Appendix I Commonly Used Vocabulary in International Trade
  Appendix Ⅱ Commonly Used Abbreviations in International Trade
  Appendix III Commonly Used Shipping Documents

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