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  • 作者:編者:高立新|責編:王昭松
  • 出版社:電子工業
  • ISBN:9787121377990
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:活頁
  • 頁數:220
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:

    本書基於工學結合的教學模式設計內容,內容主要包括電子技術簡介(Introduction to Electronic Technology)、電子器件(Electronic Parts)、電子電路 (Electronic Circuits)、電子儀器設備與測量(Electronic Instruments & Measurement)、電子產品(Electronic Products)、通信系統(Communication System)、電腦技術(Computer Technology)、電子CAD和生產(Electronic CAD & Manufacturing)及電子職業工作(Electronics Occupation)共計9個學習項目。每個學習項目(單元)精選3篇科技文章,包括課文、辭彙、難點註釋和習題。本書注重選用各種不同類型的英文資料,並附有較多的插圖,生動有趣,既可以達到比較好的教學效果,又可以拓寬學生的知識面。為了方便教師教學及提高學生英語的聽說能力,本書免費提供電子教案、PPT、美音外教朗讀錄音(mp3格式)、重點課程教學錄像、實驗實訓視頻及生產現場視頻、設備圖片、演示動畫、專業英語語法習題等多媒體教學資源。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Technology 電子技術簡介
  Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 電子技術發展史
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工學院
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program 電氣電子工程專業
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語辭彙詞義的選擇
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 電子技術發展史
    Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工學院
    Lesson 3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program 電氣電子工程專業
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 2 Electronic Parts 電子器件
  Lesson 4 Electronic Components 電子元件
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 5 IC Datasheet 集成塊數據表
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 6 Microcontroller Unit 微控制器
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語辭彙的構成(一)
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 4 Electronic Components 電子元件
    Lesson 5 IC Datasheet 集成塊數據表
    Lesson 6 Microcontroller Unit 微控制器
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 3 Electronic Circuits 電子電路
  Lesson 7 Amplifier 放大器
    New Words and Technical Terms

    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 8 Power Supply 電源供應器
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 9 Digital Circuit 數字電路
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語辭彙的構成(二)
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 7 Amplifier 放大器
    Lesson 8 Power Supply 電源供應器
    Lesson 9 Digital Circuit 數字電路
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 4 Electronic Instruments & Measurement 電子儀器設備與測量
  Lesson 10 Multimeter 萬用表
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 11 Oscilloscope and Function Generator 示波器和信號發生器
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 12 Audio Amplifier Testing 音頻信號放大器測試
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語非謂語動詞
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 10 Multimeter 萬用表
    Lesson 11 Oscilloscope and Function Generator 示波器和信號發生器
    Lesson 12 Audio Amplifier Testing 音頻信號放大器測試
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 5 Electronic Products 電子產品
  Lesson 13 Television 電視機
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 14 Vehicle Navigation System 汽車導航定位系統

    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 15 Product Manual 產品說明書
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語定語從句及翻譯技巧
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 13 Television 電視機
    Lesson 14 Vehicle Navigation System 汽車導航定位系統
    Lesson 15 Product Manual 產品說明書
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 6 Communication System 通信系統
  Lesson 16 Modulation and Demodulation 調製與解調
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 17 Communication Channel and Multiplexing 通信通道和多路復用
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 18 Mobile Phone 行動電話
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語名詞性從句、狀語從句及翻譯技巧
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 16 Modulation and Demodulation 調製與解調
    Lesson 17 Communication Channel and Multiplexing 通信通道和多路復用
    Lesson 18 Mobile Phone 行動電話
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 7 Computer Technology 電腦技術
  Lesson 19 Computer Hardware 電腦硬體
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 20 Operating System 操作系統
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 21  Computer Network 電腦網路

    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 19 Computer Hardware 電腦硬體
    Lesson 20 Operating system 操作系統
    Lesson 21 Computer Network 電腦網路
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 8 Electronic CAD &Manufacturing 電子CAD和生產
  Lesson 22 Electronics Design Process 電子設計流程
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 23 Circuit Simulation 電路模擬
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 24 PCB Assembly and Production Process 印製電路板組裝和生產流程
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Grammar 科技英語強調句型和倒裝句型
    Grammar Exercises
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 22 Electronics Design Process 電子設計流程
    Lesson 23 Circuit Simulation 電路模擬
    Lesson 24 PCB Assembly and Production Process 印製電路板組裝和生產流程
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Chapter 9 Electronics Occupation 電子職業工作
  Lesson 25 Electronics Engineering Career 電子工程職業
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 26 Employment Advertisement 招聘廣告
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text
  Lesson 27 Resume and Job Application Email 簡歷和應聘電子郵件
    New Words and Technical Terms
    Notes to the Text

    Introduction to Technical Paper Writing 科技論文寫作簡介
  Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 複習提升評價活頁
    Lesson 25 Electronics Engineering Career 電子工程職業
    Lesson 26 Employment Advertisement 招聘廣告
    Lesson 27 Resume and Job Application Email 簡歷和應聘電子郵件
  Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技術活頁
Reference 參考文獻

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