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  • 作者:張希//朱翀//宋海濤|責編:程青
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568081597
  • 出版日期:2022/05/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:257
人民幣:RMB 158 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Electric Vehicle Development
    1.1.1  History of Electric Vehicles
    1.1.2  Battery Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
    1.1.3  Development Status of Electric Vehicles at Homeand Abroad
    1.1.4  Electric Vehicles and Wireless Charging
  1.2  Lithium-Ion Battery and EV Charging Technologies
    1.2.1  The Lithium-Ion Battery Technology Development
    1.2.2  The EV Charging Technology Development
  1.3  The Existing Charging Modes
  1.4  Prospects of Wireless Power Transfer Technologies
2  Basic Concepts of Static/Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles
  2.1  Basic Components of WPT System
  2.2  Basic Physical Principles of Wireless Power Transfer
    2.2.1  Electromagnetic Induction
    2.2.2  Magnetic Resonance
    2.2.3  Electric Coupling
    2.2.4  Microwaves
  2.3  The Static Wireless Power Transfer System
    2.3.1  Working Principles of Inductive Power Transfer
    2.3.2  Compensation Circuits and Coils
    2.3.3  Configuration to Capacitive Power Transfer
    2.3.4  Research Status on SWPT
    2.3.5  Discussions for SWPT
  2.4  The Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System
    2.4.1  Three Types of Electric Vehicle Dynamic Charging Systems
    2.4.2  Comparison of Three Kinds of Dynamic Charging Systems
    2.4.3  Research Status of Dynamic Wireless Charging Technology for Electric Vehicles
    2.4.4  Problems and Technical Difficulties of Electric Vehicle Dynamic Wireless Charging Technology
    2.4.5  Discussions for DWPT
3  Resonant Circuit Analysis Theories
  3.1  Introduction to Coupled Coils
    3.1.1  Equivalent Transformer Model
    3.1.2  M-Model
    3.1.3  T-Model
  3.2  Gyrator Circuit Model
    3.2.1  Introduction
    3.2.2  Representation of Compensation Circuits with Gyrators
  3.3  Gyrators in the Resonant Circuits References
4  Resonant Compensation Topologies
  4.1  Circuit Principle of Compensation Topologies
  4.2  Basic Compensation Topologies
  4.3  LCL and LCC Compensation Topologies
  4.4  The Comparison of Compensation Topologies
5  Magnetic Couplers
  5.1  Design Principle of Magnetic Couplers
  5.2  Structure of the Magnetic Coupler

    5.2.1  Double D Coils
    5.2.2  Circular Coil
    5.2.3  Double D Quadrature Coils (DDQ)
    5.2.4  Comparison of the Different Structure of Coils
    5.2.5  Prototype of DDQ Coil
  5.3  Quadrature Coils
    5.3.1  LCC-LCC Resonant Network
    5.3.2  Quadrature Coils and Converting Circuit
    5.3.3  Optimization of Quadrature Coils
    5.3.4  Experiments Verification
  5.4  Coil Integration for Volume Reduction
    5.4.1  Analysis of Circuit Model
    5.4.2  Optimization of the Coil
    5.4.3  Experiment Verification
6  Soft-Switching Converters
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Zero Voltage Zero Current Transition Boost Converter
    6.2.1  The Structure and Principle of Topology
    6.2.2  The Conditional Constraint of ZVT Turned-On and ZVS Turned-Off for Main Switch
    6.2.3  Configuration of Coupled Inductor for Soft Switching
    6.2.4  Voltage and Current Waveforms of Boost Converter
  6.3  Zero-Current-Switching PWM Buck Converter
    6.3.1  Converter Topology and Operation Principles
    6.3.2  ZCS Turn-On Condition and ZCT Turn-Off Condition for the Main Switch
    6.3.3  ZCS Turn-On and Turn-Off Conditions for the Auxiliary Switch
    6.3.4  Voltage and Current Waveforms of Buck Converter
  6.4  Zero Voltage Switching Inverter
    6.4.1  Double-Sided LCC Resonant Compensation Network
    6.4.2  Time Domain Analysis of Switching Mode
    6.4.3  Optimization Method of Dead-Time of Inverter MOSFET
    6.4.4  Voltage and Current Waveforms of Inverter
7  Foreign Object Detection/LOD and Protections
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  Lod
    7.2.1  Field-Based Detection Method
    7.2.2  Sensor-Based Detection Method
  7.3  Introduction of Metal Object Detection
    7.3.1  Research State in China
    7.3.2  World Research Status
  7.4  Multi-channel Automatic Tuning Wireless Charging Metal Object Detection Method Based on Impedance Change
    7.4.1  Analysis of the Influence of Metal on the Impedance Characteristics of Detection Coils
    7.4.2  Hardware Design of Metal Object Detection System
    7.4.3  Multi-channel Metal Object Detection System and Automatic Tuning Method
    7.4.4  Experiment Verification
    7.4.5  Chapter Summary
  7.5  Summary and Outlook
8  Communication System

  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  Process of Wireless Charging
  8.3  Introduction of Communication Protocol
  8.4  Summary
9  EMF Problems and Evaluation
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Design and Optimization of the 22 kW WPT System
    9.2.1  Optimization of the Main Coupling Coils
    9.2.2  Optimization of the LCC Compensation Topology
  9.3  Modelling
    9.3.1  The EV Model
    9.3.2  Human Body Models
  9.4  Numerical Results and Analysis
  9.5  Conclusion
10  Optimal Charging Control
  10.1  Introduction
  10.2  Passive Charging Profiles
    10.2.1  Constant-Current Constant Voltage Charging Methods
    10.2.2  Pulse Charge Based Charging Curve
    10.2.3  Summary of the Reviewed Passive Optimal Charging
  10.3  Generalized Active Optimal Charging Structure
    10.3.1  Commonly-Used Battery Model
    10.3.2  Classification of Optimal Charging Strategies
    10.3.3  Summary and Comparison
  10.4  Suggestions and Challenges
    10.4.1  Suggestions for the Control-Oriented Battery Models
    10.4.2  Suggestions for the Charging Optimization Algorithms
    10.4.3  Charging Strategies at Low Temperatures
    10.4.4  Conclusion
11  The Future of EV Wireless Power Transfer Technologies

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