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  • 作者:編者:謝素超//周偉//張書增|責編:劉輝|總主編:田紅旗//陳春陽
  • 出版社:中南大學
  • ISBN:9787548748083
  • 出版日期:2022/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:318
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Basic Knowledge of Railway Vehicles
  1.1  Characteristics and composition of railway vehicles
  1.2  Use and classification of railway vehicles
  1.3  Coding, marking and positioning of railway vehicles
  1.4  Railway limits
  1.5  Main technical parameters of railway vehicles
  1.6  Summary of railway line structure
  Thinking and reviewinging questions
Chapter 2  Structure, Principle and Basic Composition of Bogies
  2.1  Structure, principle and basic composition of bogies
  2.2  Classification of bogies
  2.3  Wheelset
  2.4  Journal box
  2.5  Elastic suspension device
  2.6  Damping device
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 3  Bogies on Freight Vehicles
  3.1  Development of China's freight vehicle bogies
  3.2  8A-series bogies
  3.3  K1, K2 and K6-bogie
  3.4  K4 and K5-bogie
  3.5  K3 and Y25-bogie
  3.6  Freight car radial bogies
  3.7  Freight car fast bogies
  3.8  Freight car multi-axle bogies
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 4  Bogie of Passenger Railcar
  4.1  Role of passenger railcar bogie
  4.2  Development of China's passenger vehicle bogies
  4.3  Bogie type
  4.4  Passenger vehicle bogie of 209 T-type
  4.5  Passenger vehicle bogie of 206-type
  4.6  Passenger vehicle bogie of a quasi-high-speed train
  4.7  Other types of passenger vehicle bogies
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 5  Running Performance of Railway Vehicles
  5.1  Causes of vehicle vibration
  5.2  Vibration on a sprung mass system
  5.3  Vibration of a vehicle system
  5.4  Vehicle running performance evaluation and standards
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 6  Coupler and Draft Gear
  6.1  Composition, installation and opening of coupler buffer devices
  6.2  The type, working principle and material of the coupler
  6.3  Buffer performance index and common types of buffers
  6.4  Relationship between coupler force and buffer performance
  6.5  Development of coupler buffers at home and abroad
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 7  Passenger Vehicle Body
  7.1  Types of passenger vehicle

  7.2  Body structure of 25-type passenger vehicle
  7.3  Body structure of double-deck passenger vehicle
  7.4  Body structure of urban rail vehicle
  7.5  Body structure of electric multiple units (EMU)
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 8  Vehicle Structural Strength
  8.1  Load on the vehicle
  8.2  Load on the vehicle body or bodies
  8.3  Load on the bogie
  8.4  Vehicle strength analysis
  8.5  Vehicle component strength test
  Thinking and reviewing questions
Chapter 9  Design of Vehicle
  9.1  Overall design of vehicle
  9.2  Selection of technical and economic indicators
  9.3  Lightweight and anti-corrosion design of vehicle
  9.4  Ergonomic design of vehicle
  9.5  Overall size design of vehicle
  9.6  Overall design of bogie
  Thinking and reviewing questions

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