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  • 作者:吳雪萍//葉依群|責編:馮曉川
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • ISBN:9787040585834
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:286
人民幣:RMB 87 元      售價:



1  Introduction to Technical and Vocational Education in China
  1.1  History of Technical and Vocational Education in China
    1.1.1  Technical and Vocational Education Before the Founding of the People's Republic of China
    1.1.2  Technical and Vocational Education After the Founding of the People's Republic of China
  1.2  Technical and Vocational Education in China
    1.2.1  Current Situation of Technical and Vocational Education
    1.2.2  Characteristics of Technical and Vocational Education
    1.2.3  Problems with the Development of Technical and Vocational Education
    1.2.4  Reform Tendency of Technical and Vocational Education
    1.2.5  Policies and Measures Promoting Technical and Vocational Education
2  Vocational Training and Employment
  2.1  Forms of Employment Transition
    2.1.1  History of Vocational Guidance
    2.1.2  Process of Vocational Guidance
    2.1.3  Ways and Methods of Vocational Guidance
  2.2  Training and Employment Market
    2.2.1  Approaches and Policies of Employment
    2.2.2  Policies of Employment
    2.2.3  Current Situation of Labor Employment
    2.2.4  Tracking Surveys and Services to Graduates
    2.2.5  Developing Tendency of Vocational Training and Employment
3  Curriculum of Teehnieal and Voeational Edueation
  3.1  The Meaning and Characteristics of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
    3.1.1  The Meaning of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
    3.1.2  Characteristics of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
  3.2  Setup Orientation of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
    3.2.1  Setup Ideas of Curriculum
    3.2.2  Setup Goals of Curriculum
    3.2.3  Framework of Curriculum
  3.3  Types of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
    3.3.1  Knowledge-Based Curriculum
    3.3.2  Competence-Based Curriculum
  3.4  Development of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
    3.4.1  Principles of Curriculum Development
    3.4.2  Process of Curriculum Development
    3.4.3  Main Models of Curriculum Development
  3.5  Reform of Technical and Vocational Education Curriculum
    3.5.1  Context of Curriculum Reform
    3.5.2  Contents of Curriculum Reform
    3.5.3  Tendency of Curriculum Reform
    3.5.4  The Case of Curriculum Reform--Analysis of Reform of Secondary Technical and Vocational Education in Zhejiang Province
4  Specialty Setup of Technical and Vocational Education
  4.1  Conception of Specialty Setup of Chinese Vocational Schools
    4.1.1  Specialty Setup
    4.1.2  Specialty Catalog
  4.2  Fundamental Basis of Specialty Setup of Chinese Technical and Vocational Education
  4.3  Characteristics of Specialty Setup of Technical and Vocational Education
    4.3.1  Expansion of Specialty Scale
    4.3.2  Adjustment of Specialty Structure
    4.3.3  Flexibility of Specialty Setup
    4.3.4  Update of Specialty Name
    4.3.5  Wide Connotation of Specialty
    4.3.6  Normative Management of Specialty Setup
  4.4  Current Situation of Specialty Setup of Technical and Vocational Education
    4.4.1  Current Situation of Specialty Setup of Higher Technical and Vocational Education
    4.4.2  Current Situation of Specialty Setup of Secondary Vocational Education
  4.5  Administrative Documents of Specialty Setup of China's Technical and Vocational Education
    4.5.1  Administrative Measures of Specialty Setup of General Colleges, Higher Technical and Vocational Institutes
    4.5.2  Principles and Suggestions on Specialty Setup of Secondary Vocational Schools
5  Teaching in Technical and Vocational Education
  5.1  Teaching Modes of Technical and Vocational Education
    5.1.1  A Brief Introduction
    5.1.2  Some Common Teaching Modes
  5.2  Teaching Methods of Technical and Vocational Education
    5.2.1  A Brief Introduction
    5.2.2  Some Common Teaching Methods
  5.3  Teaching Organization Forms of Technical and Vocational Education
    5.3.1  A Brief Introduction
    5.3.2  Some Common Forms of Teaching Organization
  5.4  Characteristics of Teaching of Technical and Vocational Education
    5.4.1  Clear Vocation-Orientation
    5.4.2  Behavior-Oriented Teaching Process
    5.4.3  Integration of Theory and Practice
    5.4.4  Cooperation of All Participants During the Teaching Process
6  Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education
  6.1  Current Situation of Technical and Vocational Education Teaching Faculty
    6.1.1  Structure of Teaching Faculty
    6.1.2  Cultivating and Training System of Teaching Faculty
    6.1.3  Management of Teaching Faculty
    6.1.4  Problems with Teaching Faculty Construction
  6.2  Traits and Requirements of Technical and Vocational Education Teaching Faculty
    6.2.1  Traits of Teaching Faculty
    6.2.2  Requirements of Teaching Faculty
  6.3  Professional Development of Technical and Vocational Education Teaching Faculty
    6.3.1  Professionalism of Teaching Faculty
    6.3.2  Reflection on Professional Development of Teaching Faculty
7  Management of Technical and Vocational Education
  7.1  Management System of Technical and Vocational Education
    7.1.1  History of Management System
    7.1.2  Current Situation of Management System
  7.2  School Management of Technical and Vocational Education
    7.2.1  Management System of Vocational Schools<
  7.4  Other Management of Technical and Vocational Education in China
    7.4.1  Major Management and Curriculum Provision
    7.4.2  Teaching and Training Management
    7.4.3  Textbook Management
  7.5  Thinking for Improving Technical and Vocational Education Management
    7.5.1  Improving the Macro-Management of Technical and Vocational Education
    7.5.2  Improving the Micro-Management of Technical and Vocational Education
8  Transformation of Technical and Vocational Education: From Quantity Expansion to Quality Improvement
  8.1  Factors Pushing the Transformation Progress
    8.1.1  The Needs of Self-Development and Sustainable Development
    8.1.2  The Needs of Economic Development
  8.2  Policies to Improve the Quality of Technical and Vocational Education
    8.2.1  Increasing the Educational Vitality
    8.2.2  Enhancing Teaching and Training Efficiency
    8.2.3  Improving Management and Evaluation
    8.2.4  Completing External Guarantee Mechanism
  8.3  Cases of Transformation of Technical and Vocational Education
    8.3.1  Cases of Increasing the Educational Vitality
    8.3.2  Cases of Enhancing Teaching and Training Efficiency
    8.3.3  Cases of Measures to Improve Management and Evaluation
    8.3.4  Cases of Completing External Guarantee Mechanism
  8.4  Construction of Modem Apprenticeship as a Supplement to the School-Based Technical and Vocational Education System
    8.4.1  Institutional Barriers to Skilled Personnel Training
    8.4.2  Problems in School-Enterprise Cooperation
    8.4.3  Modem Apprenticeship: A Supplement to the Vocational Education System
    8.4.4  Issues to Be Solved
  8.5  Achievements in Technical and Vocational Education Attained in the Past Five Years
9  Conclusion

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