幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:李楊|責編:王穎
  • 出版社:冶金工業
  • ISBN:9787502491260
  • 出版日期:2022/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:173
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  I.I  The Definition of IE
  I.2  The Academics Domain of IE
  I.3  The Activities and Main Idea of IE
  1.4  The Recent Research of IE
2  Fields of Industrial Engineering
3  History of Industrial Engineering
  3.1  The Preparatory Stage of Industrial Engineering
  3.2  The First Stage in the Development of Industrial Engineering
  3.3  The Second Stage in the Development of Industrial Engineering
  3.4  The Third Stage in the Development of Industrial Engineering
  3.5  The Fourth Stage in the Development of Industrial Engineering
  3.6  The Fifth Stage in the Development of Industrial Engineering
  3.7  The Disciplinary History of Industrial Engineering
  3.8  Development of Industrial Engineering in China
4  Operations Research
  4.1  Introduction to Operations Research
    4.1.1  Origin and Characteristics of Operations Research
    4.1.2  The Process of Operations Research
    4.1.3  Importance of Operations Research
  4.2  The Main Content of Operations Research
  4.3  Models and Applications of Operations Research
  4.4  Development and Prospect of Operations Research
5  Systems Engineering
  5.1  The Concept of Systems Engineering
  5.2  Research Objects and Methods of Systems Engineering
  5.3  The Main Content of Systems Engineering
  5.4  Prospects of Systems Engineering
6  Work Study
  6.1  Overview of the Work Study
    6.1.1  Introduction of Work Study
    6.1.2  Objectives of Work Study
    6.1.3  Definition and Concept of Work Study
    6.1.4  Need for Work Study
    6.1.5  Analytical Techniques for Work Study
    6.1.6  Procedure/Steps Involved in Work Study
    6.1.7  Advantages of Work Study
    6.1.8  Techniques of Work Study
  6.2  Method Study
    6.2.1  Concept and Definition
    6.2.2  Scope of Method Study
    6.2.3  Steps of Method Study
    6.2.4  The Content of Method Study
    6.2.5  Process Analysis
    6.2.6  Operation Analysis
    6.2.7  Motion Analysis

  6.3  Work Measurement
    6.3.1  Meaning and Definition of Work Measurement
    6.3.2  Objectives of Work Measurement
    6.3.3  Uses of Work Measurement
    6.3.4  Techniques of Work Measurement
    6.3.5  The Content of Work Measurement
    6.3.6  Stopwatch Time Study
    6.3.7  Work Sampling
    6.3.8  Predetermined Motion Time Systems (PMTS)
    6.3.9  Standard Data
7  Production Planning and Control
  7.1  Introduction to Production Planning
    7.1.1  Production & Production Models
    7.1.2  Production Planning
    7.1.3  Types of Planning
    7.1.4  The Steps of Production Planning
    7.1.5  Mode of Production
  7.2  Planning and Control Technology
    7.2.1  Demand Forecasting
    7.2.2  Inventory Analysis and Control
    7.2.3  MPS
    7.2.4  MRP
    7.2.5  CRP
    7.2.6  Production Control
    7.2.7  Project Planning and Controlling
8  Logistics Engineering
  8.1  Introduction of Logistics Engineering
  8.2  Logistics: Origins and Evolution
    8.2  .1  Mathematical Origin
    8.2.2  Military Origin
    8.2.3  Evolution
  8.3  Related Concepts of Logistics Engineering
    8.3.1  Logistics Process
    8.3.2  Logistics System
    8.3.3  Logistics Flow
    8.3.4  Logistics Technology
    8.3.5  Logistics Management
9  Ergonomics
  9.1  Introduction to Ergonomics
    9.1.1  Definition of Ergonomics
    9.1.2  Origin and Development of Ergonomics
    9.1.3  Disciplines Components of Ergonomics
    9.1.4  Research Contents of Ergonomics
    9.1.5  Ergonomics Domains of Specialization
  9.2  Foundation of Ergonomics
    9.2.1  Anthropometry
    9.2.2  Physiology and Psychology
    9.2.3  Work Environment

    9.2.4  Man-Machine System
    9.2.5  An Ergonomic Case Study for Workers at Siemens Automotive
10  Quality Management
  10.1  Quality Management's Concept
    10.1.1  Basic Concepts of Quality Management
    10.1.2  Development of Quality Management
    10.1.3  W.Edwards Deming--The Father of Modern Quality Management
    10.1.4  Joseph M.Juran--Quality Trilogy
    10.1.5  Philip Crosby--Father of Zero Defects
    10.1.6  Development of Quality Development in China
  10.2  Total Quality Management
    10.2.1  Quality Laws and Regnlations
    10.2.2  Total Quality Management
    10.2.3  "PDCA Cycle
11  Management Information System
  11.1  Information System and Management
    11.1.1  Concept of Information
    11.1.2  Concept and Development of Information System
  11.2  Introduction to Management Information System
    11.2.1  Concept of Management Information System
    11.2.2  Classification of Management Information System
    11.2.3  Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
    11.2.4  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
12  Human Resources Management
  12.1  Human Resources Management
    12.1.1  Human Resources Management Overview
    12.1.2  Strategic Human Resource Management
    12.1.3  Human Resource Management Environment
    12.1.4  Hiring
  12.2  Human Resource Planning (HRP)
    12.2.1  Human Resource Demand and Supply Forecast
    12.2.2  Company Organizational Structure Design
13  Intelligent Manufacturing
  13.1  Intelligent Manufacturing Technology
    13.1.1  The Development, Connotation and Characteristics of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology
    13.1.2  Advanced Manufacturing
  13.2  Digital Twin
    13.2.1  Digital Twin Factory
    13.2.2  Origin and Types of Digital Twins
    13.2.3  Application of Digital Twins
    13.2.4  The Characteristics of Digital Twins
  13.3  Artificial Intelligence
    13.3.1  Machine Learning
    13.3.2  Artificial Neural Networks
    13.3.3  The Application Status of Artificial Intelligence
  13.4  Big Data Processing
  13.5  Advanced Industrial Robotics for Manufacturing

    13.5.1  Types and Features of Industrial Robot
    13.5.2  History of Industrial Robotics
    13.5.3  Technical Description
  13.6  Industrial Internet of Things
    13.6.1  Overview of Industrial Internet of Things
    13.6.2  History of Industrial Interact of Things
    13.6.3  Application and Industries of Industrial Interact of Things

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