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  • 作者:編者:王重建//劉芬|責編:張彥勤
  • 出版社:鄭州大學
  • ISBN:9787564571368
  • 出版日期:2020/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:269
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Brief history of clinical epidemiology
  1.2  Definition of clinical epidemiology
  1.3  Roles of clinical epidemiology
  1.4  Methodology of clinical epidemiologic study
  1.5  Characteristics of clinical epidemiology
Chapter 2 Distribution of Disease
  2.1  Measures of disease frequency
  2.2  Epidemic disease occurrence
  2.3  Distribution of disease by time,place and person
Chapter 3 Descriptive Study
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Case and case series report
  3.3  Cross-sectional study
  3.4  Ecological study
Chapter 4 Cohort Study
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Design of a cohort study
  4.3  Data collection and analysis
  4.4  Common bias and controlling
  4.5  Advantages and disadvantages of cohort studies
  4.6  Example of a cohort study
Chapter 5 Case-Control Studies
  5.1  Overview of case-control studies
  5.2  Design of case-control studies
  5.3  Data collection and analysis
  5.4  Common bias and controlling
  5.5  Advantage and disadvantage of the case-control study
Chapter 6 Experimental Epidemiology
  6.1  Basic ideas of experimental study
  6.2  Clinical trial
  6.3  Field trial
  6.4  Community trial
Chapter 7 Screening and Diagnostic Tests
  7.1  Design a screening or diagnostic test
  7.2  Evaluation of a screening test
  7.3  Improving the efficiency of screening and diagnostic tests
  7.4  Potential bias in screening tests
Chapter 8 Bias and Interaction
  8.1  Introduction of bias
  8.2  Selection bias
  8.3  Information bias
  8.4  Confounding bias
Chapter 9 Cause of Disease and Causal Inferen'ce
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Cause of disease in epidemiology
  9.3  Epidemiologic methods of causation
  9.4  Causal inference
Chapter 10 Disease prevention and surveillance
10. 1 Prevention strategies and measures

  10.2  Public health monitoring
Chapter 11 Communicable Diseases Epidemiology
  11.1  Infection process
  11.2  Epidemic process
  11.3  Strategy and implementation
  11.4  Immunization program and effectiveness
  11.5  Emerging communicable diseases
Chapter 12 Epidemiology of Non-communicable Disease
  12.1  Introduction
  12.2  Epidemiological features
  12.3  Risk factors of several common NCDs
  12.4  Prevention and control of NCDs
Chapter 13 Epidemiology of Public Health Emergencies
  13.1  Basic conception of public health emergencies
  13.2  Basic principles and application of epidemiology in public health emergencies
  13.3  Public health emergency preparedness
  13.4  Public health emergency response
Chapter 14 Molecular Epidemiology
  14.1  Introduction
  14.2  Classes of biomarkers
  14.3  Main research methods used in molecular epidemiology
  14.4  Application and prospection
Chapter 15 Pharmacoepidemiology
  15.1  A brief history and definition
  15.2  Main research contents
  15.3  Aims and significances
  15.4  Methods of pharmacoepidemiology
  15.5  Data collection and analyze
Chapter 16 Evidence-based Medicine and Systematic Review
  16.1  Evidence-based medicine
  16.2  Systematic review and meta-analysis
  16.3  Meta-analysis
Chapter 17 Disease Prognosis
  17.1  Basic concepts
  17.2  Design of a prognosis study
  17.3  Describing prognosis
  17.4  Analysis for prognosis study data
  17.5  Common bias and controlling
Chapter 18 Nosocomial Infections
  18.1  Introduction
  18.2  Definition and diagnostic standards
  18.3  Nosocomial infection sites
  18.4  Microorganisms
  18.5  Categories of nosocomial infections
  18.6  Epidemic process of nosocomial infection
  18.7  Prevention of nosocomial infections
  18.8  Surveillance of nosocomial infections
Chapter 19 Epidemiology Design in Clinical Research
  19.1  Design and implementation of clinical research
  19.2  Reporting guidelines for clinical research reports

  19.3  Real-world study

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