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  • 作者:(伊拉克)卡西姆·阿卜杜勒哈米德·賈西姆//A.H.馬赫德//瓦加斯·加利布·艾特山|責編:杜瑩雪//張嘉芮
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787560398686
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:248
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Chapter one. Fundamental Definitions and Basic Concepts Introduction
  1.1  Fundamental Definitions
  1.2  Basic Concepts
Chapter Two. Some Properties of Certain Subclasses of Univalent and Meromorphic Univalent and Multivalent Functions Defined by  Subordination Property with Some Operators
  2.1  Some Geometric Properties of a Certain Subclass of Univalent Functions Defined by Differential Subordination Property
  2.2  Some Interesting Properties of a New Class of Univalent Functions Defined by Ruscheweyh Derivative
  2.3  On a New Class of Meromorphic Univalent Functions defined by linear operator
  2.4  Certain Results of a New Class of Meromorphic Multivalent Functions Involving Ruscheweyh Derivative
Chapter Three. On New classes of Univalent and Uniformly Convex Functions with Negative Coefficients by Using Fractional Calculus Techniques
  3.1  Fractional Calculus Operators Associated with a Certain Class of Uniformly Convex Functions
  3.2  On a New Class of Univalent Functions with Applications of Fractional Calculus Operators Defined by Hohlov Operator
Chapter Four. Some Results of Certain Classes of Harmonic Univalent Functions
  4.1  A certain Class of Harmonic Univalent Functions Defined by Integral Operator
  4.2  Some Results on Analytic Part of Harmonic Univalent Functions
Chapter Five. On Differential Subordination Properties of Univalent and Multivalent Functions Defined by Ruscheweyh Derivative  Operator
  5.1  Strong Differential Subordination Properties for Multivalent Functions Defined by Ruscheweyh Derivative Operator
  5.2  On Second –Order Differential Subordinations for Univalent Functions Associated with Ruscheweyh Derivative Operator

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