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  • 作者:(英)艾莉森·雷//艾琳·布盧默|責編:李亞琦
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521335033
  • 出版日期:2022/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:315
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:



Preface to the third edition
Why we wrote this book
Who the book is for
What the book does
What the book doesn't do
The second edition
The third edition
International Phonetic Alphabet
1 Introduction: starting on the right foot
  Choosing an area
  Getting organized
  Using resources
  Being a researcher
  Theory-only projects
  Setting up data-based research
  Being streetwise: keeping on the right side of your assessor
Part I Areas of Study and Project Ideas
  2 Psycholinguistics
    Textbooks and major journals
    Central themes and project ideas
    How psycholinguists conceptualize language
    How we understand language
    Psycholinguistics and grammatical theory
    Lexical and structural ambiguity
    How we produce spoken language
    How we produce writing
    Language and thought
3 First-language acquisition and
    Approaches to research
    Textbooks and major journals
    The CHILDES database
    Things to think about
    Central themes and project ideas
    Longitudinal case studies
    Prelinguistic development
    Over- and under-extension: lexical and semantic development
    Children's morphology
    Development of phonology and intonation
    Comprehension of complex grammatical structures
    Children's metalinguistic awareness
    Colour terms
    Carer language (or child-directed speech)
    Conversational development
    Sources of variation in child language
    Literacy development
    Developmental problems
    Later language acquisition

4  Second-language acquisition
  Textbooks and major journals
  Things to think about
  Central themes and project ideas
    Developmental sequences and the process of acquisition
    Comparison of L1 and L2 acquisition
    Language-learning targets
    Grammar-based and communication-based teaching
    Vocabulary acquisition
    Different concepts expressed in different languages
    The learner's approach and experience
    Interlanguage, error analysis, and contrastive analysis
    Language assessment and testing
    Bilinguals, multilinguals, and polyglots
    Language teaching policies
Part II Techniques for Collecting Data
Part III Tools for Data Analysis
Part IV Presenting Your Work

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