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  • 作者:(德)M.玻恩//E.沃爾夫|責編:陳亮
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519285913
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:952
人民幣:RMB 299 元      售價:



Historical introduction
Ⅰ  Basic properties of the electromagnetic field
  1.1  The electromagnetic field
    1.1.1  Maxwell's equations
    1.1.2  Material equations
    1.1.3  Boundary conditions at a surface of discontinuity
    1.1.4  The energy law of the electromagnetic field
  1.2  The wave equation and the velocity of light
  1.3  Scalar waves
    1.3.1  Plane waves
    1.3.2  Spherical waves
    1.3.3  Harmonic waves. The phase velocity
    1.3.4  Wave packets. The group velocity
  1.4  Vector waves
    1.4.1  The general electromagnetic plane wave
    1.4.2  The harmonic electromagnetic plane wave
      (a)  Elliptic polarization
      (b)  Linear and circular polarization
      (c)  Characterization of the state of polarization by Stokes parameters
    1.4.3  Harmonic vector waves of arbitrary form
  1.5  Reflection and refraction of a plane wave
    1.5.1  The laws of reflection and refraction
    1.5.2  Fresnel formulae
    1.5.3  The reflectivity and transmissivity; polarization on reflection and refraction
    1.5.4  Total reflection
  1.6  Wave propagation in a stratified medium. Theory of dielectric films
    1.6.1  The basic differential equations
    1.6.2  The characteristic matrix of a stratified medium
      (a)  A homogeneous dielectric film
      (b)  A stratified medium as a pile of thin homogeneous films
    1.6.3  The reflection and transmission coefficients
    1.6.4  A homogeneous dielectric film
    1.6.5  Periodically stratified media
Ⅱ  Electromagnetic potentials and polarization
  2.1  The electrodynamic potentials in the vacuum
    2.1.1  The vector and scalar potentials
    2.1.2  Retarded potentials
  2.2  Polarization and magnetization
    2.2.1  The potentials in terms of polarization and magnetization
    2.2.2  Hertz vectors
    2.2.3  The field of a linear electric dipole
  2.3  The Lorentz-Lorenz formula and elementary dispersion theory
    2.3.1  The dielectric and magnetic susceptibilities
    2.3.2  The effective field
    2.3.3  The mean polarizability: the Lorentz–Lorenz formula
    2.3.4  Elementary theory of dispersion
  2.4  Propagation of electromagnetic waves treated by integral equations
    2.4.1  The basic integral equation
    2.4.2  The Ewald–Oseen extinction theorem and a rigorous derivation of theLorentz–Lorenz formula
    2.4.3  Refraction and reflection of a plane wave, treated with the help of the Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem

Ⅲ  Foundations of geometrical optics
  3.1  Approximation for very short wavelengths
    3.1.1  Derivation of the eikonal equation
    3.1.2  The light rays and the intensity law of geometrical optics
    3.1.3  Propagation of the amplitude vectors
    3.1.4  Generalizations and the limits of validity of geometrical optics
  3.2  General properties of rays
    3.2.1  The differential equation of light rays
    3.2.2  The laws of refraction and reflection
    3.2.3  Ray congruences and their focal properties
  3.3  Other basic theorems of geometrical optics
    3.3.1  Lagrange's integral invariant
    3.3.2  The principle of Fermat
    3.3.3  The theorem of Malus and Dupin and some related theorems
Ⅳ  Geometrical theory of optical imaging
  4.1  The characteristic functions of Hamilton
    4.1.1  The point characteristic
    4.1.2  The mixed characteristic
    4.1.3  The angle characteristic
    4.1.4  Approximate form of the angle characteristic of a refracting surface of revolution
    4.1.5  Approximate form of the angle characteristic of a reflecting surface of revolution
  4.2  Perfect imaging
    4.2.1  General theorems
    4.2.2  Maxwell's 'fish-eye'
    4.2.3  Stigmatic imaging of surfaces
  4.3  Projective transformation (collineation) with axial symmetry
    4.3.1  General formulae
    4.3.2  The telescopic case
    4.3.3  Classification of projective transformations
    4.3.4  Combination of projective transformations
  4.4  Gaussian optics
    4.4.1  Refracting surface of revolution
Ⅴ  Geometrical theory of aberrations
Ⅵ  Image-forming instruments
Ⅶ  Elements of the theory of interference and interferometers
Ⅷ  Elements of the theory of diffraction
Ⅸ  The diffraction theory of aberrations
Ⅹ  Interference and diffraction with partially coherent light
?  Rigorous diffraction theory
?  Diffraction of light by ultrasonic waves
ⅩⅢ  Scattering from inhomogeneous media
ⅩⅣ  Optics of metals
ⅩⅤ  Optics of crystals
Author index
Subject index

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