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  • 作者:編者:王繼輝//林慶新|責編:范祥鎮//王詩同
  • 出版社:中譯
  • ISBN:9787500143536
  • 出版日期:2016/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:524
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



  Unit 1 Beowulf
    Beowulf(Excerpts from the translation by Donaldson)
  Unit 2 Geoffrey Chaucer
    The Canterbury Tales(Excerpts from the "General Prologue")
  Unit 3 William Shakespeare
    The Tragedy of Othello,the Moor of Venice(Act V,Scene ii)
  Unit 4 John Milton
    Paradise Lost(Excerpts from Book IX)
  Unit 5 Jonathan Swift
    A Modest Proposal
  Unit 6 Samuel Johnson
    A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield
    A Preface to the Dictionary(Selections)
  Unit 7 William Blake
    Poems from The Songs of Innocence
    Holy Thursday
    The Lamb
    The Chimney Sweeper
    Poems from The Songs of Experience
    Holy Thursday
    The Tyger
  Unit 8 William Wordsworth
    Poems from Lyrical Ballads with a Few Other Poems
    To My Sister
    Expostulation and Reply
    The Tables Turned
    The Sofitary Reaper
  Unit 9 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  Unit 10 JaneAusten
    Pride and Prejudice(Chapters I and II)
  Unit 11 Charles Dickens
    David Copperfield(An excerpt from Chapter XXIX)
  Unit 12 Emily Bronte
    Wuthering Heights(Chapter XV)
  Unit 13 Thomas Hardy
    Tess of the d'Urbervilles(Chapters LV and LVI;Chapter LVIII)
  Unit 14 William Butler Yeats
    The Lake Isle of Innisfree
    To a Child Dancing in the Wind
    To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing
    A Prayer for Old Age
  Unit 15 James A.A.Joyce
    The Boarding House
  Unit 16 D.H.Lawrence
    Sons and Lovers(An excerpt from Chapter VIII)
  Unit 17 George Bernard Shaw
    Saint Joan(An excerpt from Scene VI)

  Unit 1 Washington Irving
    Rip Van Winkle(Excerpts)
  Unit 2 David Henry Thoreau
  Unit 3 Edgar Allan Poe
    The Raven
  Unit 4 Nathaniel Hawthorne
    Young Goodman Brown
  Unit 5 Herman Melville
    The Mast-Head
  Unit 6 Walt Whitman
    One's-Self I Sing
    0 Captain! My Captain!
    Song of Myseff
  Unit 7 Emily Dickinson
    I'm Nobody
    "Hope" Is the Thing with Feathers
    I Died for Beauty
  Unit 8 Jack London
    Love of Life
  Unit 9 Mark Twain
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(Chapter XXXI)
  Unit 10 Theodore Dreiser
    Sister Carrie(Excerpts from Chapter XLVII)
  Unit 11 F.Scott Fitzgerald
    The Long Way Out
  Unit 12 William Faulkner
    A Rose for Emily
  Unit 13 Ernest Hemingway
    Soldier's Home
  Unit 14 Twentieth Century American Poets
    Robert Lee Frost
      The Road Not Taken
      Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
    Ezra Pound
      In a Station of the Metro
      A Pact
      The Garden
    Langston Hughes
      A Dream Deferred
      Dream Variations
      The Negro Speaks of River
    Allen Ginsberg
  Unit 15 Arthur Miller
    The Death of a Salesman(Excerpts from Act II)

  Unit 16 Joseph Heller
    Catch-22(Chapter I)

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