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  • 作者:編者:葛曉晶//張玉潔//馮洋洋|責編:武麗娟|總主編:李方池
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787576306743
  • 出版日期:2021/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:176
人民幣:RMB 58.8 元      售價:



Starter  Pronunciation Rules
  (48個音標)The English phonetics
Unit One  Want to Make a Difference at University-Join the Clubs
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Two  Good Mistakes
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Three  Ways to Get a Graduate Job
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Four  A Life Lesson from a Volunteer Firefighter
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Five  Making Health a Habit: "Healthy China" on the Way
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Six  My Mother's Kitchen Is Real Comfort Food
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning

  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Seven  Water Set to Become More Valuable than Oil
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources
Unit Eight  How to Succeed? Get More Sleep
  尋蹤覓寶 Way of learning
  借船出海 Way of sentence-making
  談文論今 Thinking & expressing time
  張口就來 Let the words fly
  小窗大視 Focus on news
  知行合一 Knowledge is in action
  古釀流香 Sweet ancient culture
  添磚加瓦 Learning resources

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