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  • 作者:鄒堯//孫永斌//孟子陽//賀威|責編:戈蘭
  • 出版社:冶金工業
  • ISBN:9787502490980
  • 出版日期:2022/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:154
人民幣:RMB 69 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Significance
  1.2  Research Overview
    1.2.1  Research Status on Cooperative Control Methods
    1.2.2  Research Status on UAV Cluster Projects
  1.3  Outline
2  Background and Preliminaries
  2.1  Preliminaries
    2.1.1  Notation and Definitions
  2.1  . 2 Useful Lemmas
    2.1.3  Filippov Solution and Non-Smooth Analysis
  2.2  Graph Theory
  2.3  System Models of VTOL UAVs
    2.3.1  Attitude Representation
    2.3.2  Kinematics and Dynamics of VTOL UAVs
  2.4  Conclusions
3  Distributed Formation Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs Over a Switching Topology
  3.1  Problem Statements
    3.1.1  System Model
    3.1.2  Switching Topology Graph
    3.1.3  Control Objective
  3.2  Distributed Control Algorithm Development Over a Switching Topology
    3.2.1  Problem Transformation
    3.2.2  Command Force Synthesis
    3.2.3  Applied Torque Synthesis
    3.2.4  Stability Analysis
  3.3  Simulations
  3.4  Conclusions
4  Distributed Formation Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs Over a Distance-Based Topology
  4.1  Problem Statements
    4.1.1  System Model
    4.1.2  Distance-Based Network Topology
    4.1.3  Control Objective
  4.2  Distributed Control Algorithm With Connectivity Maintenance Mechanism
    4.2.1  Problem Transformation
    4.2.2  Command Force Synthesis
    4.2.3  Applied Torque Synthesis
    4.2.4  Stability Analysis
  4.3  Simulations
  4.4  Conclusions
5  Adaptive Distributed Formation Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs with Parametric Uncertainties
  5.1  Problem Statements
    5.1.1  System Model
    5.1.2  Topology Graph
    5.1.3  Control Objective
  5.2  Adaptive Distributed Control Algorithm

    5.2.1  Problem Transformation
    5.2.2  Command Force Synthesis
    5.2.3  Applied Torque Synthesis
    5.2.4  Stability Analysis
  5.3  Simulations
  5.4  Conclusions
6  Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Distributed Formation Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs
  6.1  Problem Statements
    6.1.1  System Model
    6.1.2  Actuator Faults
    6.1.3  Topology Graph
    6.1.4  Control Objective
  6.2  Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Distributed Control Algorithm
    6.2.1  Problem Transformation
    6.2.2  Command Force Synthesis
    6.2.3  Desired Torque Synthesis
    6.2.4  Stability Analysis
  6.3  Simulations
  6.4  Conclusions
7  Distributed Formation Tracking Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs Over Undirected Topology
  7.1  Problem Statements
    7.1.1  System Model
    7.1.2  Network Topology
    7.1.3  Control Objective
  7.2  Distributed Control Algorithm Development Over Undirected Topology
    7.2.1  Command Force Synthesis
    7.2.2  Command Attitude Extraction
    7.2.3  Applied Torque Synthesis
    7.2.4  Stability Analysis
  7.3  Simulations
  7.4  Conclusions
8  Distributed Formation Tracking Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs Over Directed Topology
  8.1  Background
    8.1.1  Problem Statements
    8.1.2  Network Topology
  8.2  Distributed Control Algorithm Development Over Directed Topology
    8.2.1  Distributed Estimator Design
    8.2.2  Problem Transformation
    8.2.3  Command Force Synthesis
    8.2.4  Applied Torque Synthesis
    8.2.5  Stability Analysis
  8.3  Simulations
  8.4  Conclusions
9  Distributed Output-Feedback Formation Tracking Control for Clustered VTOL UAVs
  9.1  Problem Statements
    9.1.1  System Model

    9.1.2  Network Topology
    9.1.3  Control Objective
  9.2  Distributed Output-Feedback Control Algorithm Development
    9.2.1  Command Force Synthesis
    9.2.2  Command Attitude Extraction
    9.2.3  Applied Torque Synthesis
    9.2.4  Stability Analysis
  9.3  Simulation
  9.4  Conclusions

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