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  • 作者:龔玉苗|責編:矯正
  • 出版社:吉林大學
  • ISBN:9787569292312
  • 出版日期:2022/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:227
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:


    龔玉苗,河南新鄉人,女,博士,江蘇海洋大學外國語學院英語系副教授,碩士生導師。畢業於華南師範大學外國語言文化學院,美國Tufts大學心理系訪問學者。中國英漢語比較研究會心理語言學專業委員會第三屆理事會理事。研究方向為語言哲學、心理語言學和語言認知。主持省部級社科基金項目1項、參與完成省部級社科基金項目3項、作為排名第二研究者完成1項國家社科基金項目、主持完成市廳級課題3項。獲市級社科研究優秀成果獎一等獎1項,入選連雲港市「521人才工程」。發表論文20余篇,參編語言學教材和手冊3部。多次參與《現代外語》外審。2019年論文The Role of Metaphor in Categorization: ATime Course Study收錄于由John Benjamins出版公司出版的Cognitioe Linguistics and the Study ofChinese一書。

Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research orientation
  1.2  Research rationale
  1.3  Scope of the study
  1.4  Structure of the study
Chapter 2  Defining metaphorical categorization
  2.1  The nature of 「An x is a y.」
  2.2  Conventional categorization
  2.3  Metaphorical categorization
Chapter 3  Literature review
  3.1  The relation between metaphor and category
    3.1.1  A cognitive linguistic perspective
    3.1.2  A psycholinguistic perspective
  3.2  Studies on metaphorical categorization
    3.2.1  Mediator of metaphorical categorization
    3.2.2  Measuring metaphorical categorization: experimental paradigms and major findings
    3.2.3  The process of metaphorical categorization: gestalt transformation
  3.3  Remaining problems
Chapter 4  Research framework
  4.1  Research questions
  4.2  Theoretical framework
    4.2.1  Mediator of metaphorical categorization: similarity
    4.2.2  Attributive similarity vs. relational similarity
    4.2.3  Schema induction as categorization
  4.3  Working hypotheses
    4.3.1  An Analogical approach to metaphor categorization
    4.3.2  The dual-categorization account of metaphor
  4.4  Empirical research design
Chapter 5  Study I: the mediator of metaphorical categorization
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Exp 1: the correlation between relational similarity and grammatical preference
    5.2.1  Research aim
    5.2.2  Hypothesis
    5.2.3  Method
    5.2.4  Results
    5.2.5  Discussion
  5.3  Summary
Chapter 6  Study Ⅱ: the core process of metaphorical categorization
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Exp 2: the micro-categorization process
    6.2.1  Research aim
    6.2.2  Design logic and hypothesis
    6.2.3  Method
    6.2.4  Resnlte
    6.2.5  Discussion
    6.2.6  Summary
  6.3  Exp 3: the macro-categorization process
    6.3.1  Exp 3a: the gaining of the abstract referent in the vehicle: a time course study
    6.3.2  Exp 3b: abstract schema induction in the vehicle: a vitro study
  6.4  Summary

Chapter 7  Study Ⅲ: duality of metaphorical categorization
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  Exp 4: conventionality,aptness and stroopian interference effect
    7.2.1  Research aim
    7.2.2  Design logic and hypothesis
    7.2.3  Method
    7.2.4  Results
    7.2.5  Discussion
  7.3  Summary
Chapter 8  General discussion
  8.1  Summary of the empirical findings
  8.2  Theoretical reflections and evaluations
    8.2.1  Metaphor and fluidity of categorization
    8.2.2  The nature of metaphorical category: relational category
    8.2.3  Metaphor-simile distinction revisited
    8.2.4  Metaphorical vs. conventional categorization: different or equal
    8.2.5  Philosophical implications for cognitive linguistics
  8.3  Pedagogical reflections and evaluations
    8.3.1  Implications for the notion of metaphorical competence
    8.3.2  Implications for lexical teaching
  8.4  Summary
Chapter 9  Conclusion
  9.1  Conclusions
  9.2  Limitations and recommendations for future research
  Appendix I: the questionnaire for the similarity rating in Exp 1
  Appendix II: result of similarity rating in Exp 1
  Appendix III: the questionnaire for the gram matical form preference rating in Exp 1
  Appendix IV: scores for the grammatical form rating in Exp 1
  Appendix V: metaphorical wordset generating questionnaire in Exp 2
  Appendix VI: metaphorical wordset generating questionnaire for category targets in Exp 2
  Appendix VII: metaphorical wordset generating questionnaire for semantically associated targets in Exp 2
  Appendix VIII: critical metaphorical wordsets and their corresponding targets used in Exp 2
  Appendix IX: metaphor pairs and their similarity rating scores in Exp 3a
  Appendix X: metaphor pairs and their corresponding target words (with frequency scores)used in Exp 3a
  Appendix XI: materials used for the learning phase in Exp 3b
  Appendix XII : four lists of materials for four conditions of learning in Exp 3b
  Appendix XIII: materials used in the testing phase in Exp 3b

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