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  • 作者:編者:呂雲翔|責編:王冰飛//李曄
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302584773
  • 出版日期:2022/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:302
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Unit 1  Introduction to Computers
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Cloud Computing
    Section B: The Internet of Things
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Uncovering the Secrets of Clear Writing(Ⅰ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Buying a New Notebook Computer
    Listening Comprehension: Quantum Computer
    Dictation: John von Neumann
Unit 2  Hardware for Systems
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Random Access Memory (RAM): The Genius of Memory
    Section B: Touch Screen Technology: How the Screen Is So Smart
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Uncovering the Secrets of Clear Writing(Ⅱ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: How Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers Work
    Listening Comprehension: Moore's Law
    Dictation: Sensors Get Data We Never Had Before
Unit 3Software for Systems
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Web Apps and Mobile Apps
    Section B: Cloud Software
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Communicating with E-mail and Memos(Ⅰ)
  Part 3Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Making an Electronic Album Using Multimedia Editing Software
    Listening Comprehension: IDE
    Dictation: Open Source Software
Unit 4  Operating Systems
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Roles of an Operating System
    Section B: Mobile versus Desktop Operating Systems
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Communicating with E-mail and Memos(Ⅱ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Talking about Operating Systems
    Listening Comprehension: Android
    Dictation: Linus Torvalds and the Software Nobody Knows
Unit 5  Computer Programing
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Web Application Development
    Section B: Mobile App Development
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Communicating with Social Media
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Getting to Know Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Virtual Machine(JVM)
    Listening Comprehension: Writing the Code
    Dictation: Agile Software Development
Unit 6  Database
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Normalization: Ensuring Data Consistency
    Section B: NoSQL Databases
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Using Presentation Software to Write

  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Why is Big Data a Challenge
    Listening Comprehension: Data Mining
    Dictation: Data Warehouse
Unit 7  Computer Network
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: OSI Reference Model: The Driving Force behind Network Communications
    Section B: Ethernet(802.3)
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Writing Professional Letters(Ⅰ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Setting up Wireless Network
    Listening Comprehension: IPv6
    Dictation: Router
Unit 8  The Internet and World Wide Weh
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Social Networking
    Section B: 5G Internet: Transforming the Global Business Landscape
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Writing Professional Letters(Ⅱ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Knowing the Myths about the Internet
    Listening Comprehension: How a World-Shaking Technology Came About: Tim Berners-Lee Invents the World Wide Web
    Dictation: How Web Search Engines Work O
Unit 9  Ecommerce
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: How to Use Online AI-Artificial Intelligence for Ecommerce
    Section B: Ecommerce Lessons for Why Amazon is so Successful
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Writing for Employment(Ⅰ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Protecting Buyer's Privacy with Online Payment Services
    Listening Comprehension: Social Commerce
    Dictation: Mobile Payments
Unit 10  Computer Security and Privacy
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online
    Section B: Using Computer Forensics against Cvbercrime
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Writing for Employment(Ⅱ)
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Using Antivirus Software
    Listening Comprehension: Hacker and Cracker
    Dictation: Trojan Horses
Unit 11  Software Engineering
  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: How Software Engineering Works
    Section B: Testers and Programmers Working Together
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Progress Report
  Part 3  Listening &Speaking
    Dialogue: Using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Method
    Listening Comprehension: Extreme Programming
    Dictation: Unified Modeling Language(UML)
Unit 12  Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  Part 1  Reading and Translating
    Section A: Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence
    Section B: Deep Learning,Machine Learning,and AI
  Part 2  Simulated Writing: Meeting Minutes
  Part 3  Listening and Speaking
    Dialogue: Artificial Intelligence
    Listening Comprehension: Supervised Learning
    Dictation: Unsupervised Learning

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