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  • 作者:(英)托馬斯·布盧爾//梅里埃爾·布盧爾|責編:都楠楠
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521334050
  • 出版日期:2022/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:320
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:



List of symbols
1  A meaningful approach
  1.1  How to use this book
  1.2  Grammar and meaning
  1.3  Meaning potential
  1.4  System networks
  1.5  Language in use
  1.6  The study of texts
  1.7  The notion of rank
  1.8  Functions and metafunctions
  Further study
2  Labels
  2.1  Music, mathematics, medicine and motor-vehicle maintenance
  2.2  A political parable
  2.3  Word classes
  2.4  Subjects
  2.5  Groups
  2.6  Three ways of looking at a clause
  Further study
3  Clause structure
  3.1  Subject revisited
  3.2  Finites and Predicators
  3.3  Complements
  3.4  Adjuncts
  3.5  Sample analysis
  Further study
4  Information structure and thematic structure
  4.1  Organizing ideas
  4.2  Information structure: Given and New information
  4.3  Thematic structure: Theme and Rheme
  4.4  The interaction of information structure and thematic structure
  Further study
5  Grammar and text
  5.1  Text and texture
  5.2  The textual component of the grammar
  5.3  Thematic progression
  5.4  Cohesive ties
  Further study

6  Process and participant
  6.1  Transitivity: the clause as representation
  6.2  Processes
  6.3  Material process
  6.4  Mental process
  6.5  Relational process
  6.6  Verbal process
  6.7  Other processes
  6.8  Grammatical metaphor
  6.9  Circumstance
  Further study
7  Group structure
  7.1  Groups revisited
  7.2  Nominal Groups
  7.3  Verbal groups
  7.4  Other group complexes and phrase complexes
  Further study
8  Embedded clauses
  8.1  Embedded clause as Postmodifier/Qualifier
  8.2  Multiple embedding of clauses
  8.3  Embedded clause as Subject or Complement
  8.4  Postposed clauses
  8.5  Other embedded clauses
  Further study
9  Clause complexes: expansion
  9.1  Ways of combining clauses
  9.2  Paratactic clause relations
  9.3  Hypotactic clause relations
  9.4  More complicated complexes
  Further study
10  Clause complexes: projection
  10.1  Projection
  10.2  Paratactic projection
  10.3  Hypotactic projection
  10.4  Non-finite projection
  10.5  Grammatical metaphor: embedding versus dependency
  10.6  Even more complicated complexes
  10.7  Ambiguous structures
  Further study
11  Applications of functional analysis

  11.1  Explanations and theories
  11.2  Writing in science and technology
  11.3  Language development and language teaching
  11.4  Language and literature: valued texts
  11.5  Language and power
  11.6  On applications and SFL theory
  Further study
12  Historical perspectives
  12.1  Origins
  12.2  Before the twentieth century
  12.3  De Saussure
  12.4  Linguistics in America
  12.5  Whorf
  12.6  The Prague School
  12.7  Malinowski and Firth
  12.8  Corpus linguistics
  12.9  Some functional alternatives
  12.10  Systemic functional 'grammars'
  Further study
Answer key
Index of authors
Subject index

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