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  • 作者:(英)蘇珊·H.福斯特·科恩|責編:都楠楠
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521328981
  • 出版日期:2022/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:232
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Preface: How to use this book
1  What do children bring to the language acquisition task?
  Chapter summary
  Two different approaches
  Competence versus performance
  Some recurring questions
  Some premises
  Questions for discussion
  An activity
  Further reading
2  How do children communicate before they can use language?
  Chapter summary
  Clues for understanding
  Facial expressions
  Cries, coos and grunts
  Infant speech perception
  The transition to language
  First words
  Language and gesture
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  Some activities
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities
  Further reading
3  When does language development start?
  Chapter summary
  What's in a word?
  Meaning through word and context
  Early vocabulary
  Semantic descriptions of early utterances
  Arguments for a richer account of early utterances
  To be or not to be a language
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  Some activities
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities
  Further reading
4    How do young children think language works?
  Chapter summary
  Looking at children's language
  Analysing children's language
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  Some activities
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities
  Further reading

  What influences language development?
  Chapter summary
  What is input and how much is enough?
  Input at the right time: the 'critical period'
  Is active communication necessary?
  The nature of Baby Talk
  The value of Baby Talk
  Universal Grammar
  Words are more cunning than they let on
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  An activity
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activity
  Further reading
6    Do all children learn language the same way?
  Chapter summary
  Types of variation
  Different endpoints
  Differences in path of development
  Differences in rate of development
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  Some activities
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions
  Further reading
7  Does it matter which language(s) you learn?
  Chapter summary
  So what's so very different, anyway?
  A parameter theory of language acquisition
  How do children become bilingual?
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  Some activities
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities
  Further reading
8    When does language development stop?
  Chapter summary
  Later oral language development
  Pragmatic aspects of later language development
  Basic steps in learning to read
  Basic steps in learning to write
  Metalinguistic development
  Discussion of in-text exercises
  Questions for discussion
  Some activities
  Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities
  Further reading
Appendix 1  Tools for studying children's language

  Mean Length of Utterance calculations
  T-unit calculations
  Some dos and don'ts of research design
  Finding data
  Bulletin boards
  Journals in child language
  Further reading
Appendix 2  Phonetic symbols
  Other symbols

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