幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:聶菲璘|責編:焦雅楠|總主編:劉余莉|譯者:田福來//(美)馬修·穆勒
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119130378
  • 出版日期:2022/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:237
人民幣:RMB 95 元      售價:



Publisher's Notes
Chapter One The Importance of Employing the Worthy
  The Safety of the Kingdom: A State with Wise Ministers Needs Not Fear Invasion
  The Success of the Ruler: Employing the Worthy and Penitent Despite Their Past Offenses
  The Ruler's Glory and Disgrace: Woe to the Ruler Who Heeds Not Worthy Ministers and Favors Flatterers
  Must a Good Leader Be Overworked? Zijian and His Worthy Officials Govern Shanfu
  Order Among the People: Educating the People Through Virtue, Not Punishment, Yields a Good Omen in Zhongmu
Chapter Two Standards of Worthiness
  Worthy Leaders: Yao Searches for a Noble Successor; Shun Wins Widespread Support with Virtue
  Filial Piety and Incorruption: Filial Wu Yinzhi Unmoved by the Spring of Greed
  Forthright Remonstration: An Official Who Fails to Admonish Constructively Is Worthless
Chapter Three Selecting the Worthy
  Observing the Worthy: Five Aspects to Determine the Candidates' Worth for Prime Minister
  Recommending the Worthy: Recommend Both Personal Enemies and Family Members Who Qualify
  Meritocracy: The Rise of Jin
  Chaju: Lavishly Awarding the Recommendation of Virtuous Men and Punishing in Public the Ignorance of Talents
  Imperial Examination: Swot for the Highest Degree to Live Worry-free
Chapter Four Recruitment on Merit
  Differentiating the Talented and Virtuous: Lis-tening to His Words, Observing His Deeds, and Simultaneously Examining His Conducts
  Respecting for the Talented and Virtuous: Pausing Three Times in a Single Hair Wash and in a Single Meal
  Employing the Talented and Virtuous: Luan Wuzi Follows Benevolence Rather Than the Crowd
  Keeping Far from the Crafty and Fawning: Failure to Remove Unworthy Men Results in Destruction
  Rewarding the Talented and Virtuous: Concerted Effort Brings a Golden Age
Classic Quotes

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