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  • 作者:編者:鮑志坤|責編:孔乃卓|總主編:肖飛
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513592529
  • 出版日期:2017/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:209
人民幣:RMB 45.9 元      售價:



Unit 1
  Part ⅠIntroduction to the componentParts of academic articles
    Section Ⅰ A brief introduction to academic articles
    Section Ⅱ The Title
    Section Ⅲ The headings
  Part Ⅱ Understanding a full-length article
    The relationship of happiness, impulse buying and brand loyalty
  Part Ⅲ The language in academic articles
Unit 2
  Part Ⅰ Introduction to the componentParts of academic articles
    Section Ⅰ The Abstract
    Section Ⅱ The Keywords
  Part Ⅱ Understanding a full-length article
    Psychological aspects of intellectual property protection
  Part Ⅲ Collocations in academic English
Unit 3
  Part Ⅰ Introduction to the componentParts of academic articles
    Section Ⅰ The Introduction
    Section Ⅱ The References
    Section Ⅲ The Acknowledgements
  Part Ⅱ Understanding a full-length article
    Active versus receptive group music therapy for major depressive disorder—A pilot study
  Part Ⅲ How to avoid plagiarism in academic articles
Unit 4
  Part Ⅰ Introduction to the componentParts of academic articles
    The Methods
  Part Ⅱ Understanding a full-length article
    Subhealth: Definition, criteria for diagnosis and potential prevalence in the central region of China
  Part Ⅲ How to use tenses correctly in academic articles
Unit 5
  Part Ⅰ Introduction to the componentParts of academic articles
    The Results
  Part Ⅱ Understanding a full-length article
    Media device ownership and media use: Associations with sedentary time, physical activity and fitness in English youth
  Part Ⅲ Linking words in academic English
Unit 6
  Part Ⅰ Introduction to the componentParts of academic articles
    The Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Understanding a full-length article
    Parenting practices toward food and children's behavior: Eating away from home versus at home
  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary for academic articles

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