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  • 作者:編者:(美)喬丹卡·茲拉坦諾//肯索爾·E.范霍德//呂社民|責編:鄒夢娜
  • 出版社:人民衛生
  • ISBN:9787117328104
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:456
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:

    經過綜合考慮,編者選擇了Jordanka Zlatanova博士和Kensal E.van Holde由Garland Science出版的Molecular Biology作為改編原書。編者對每一章節的內容進行了修改,包括刪除和添加一些內容。特別增加了兩個新的章節:第15章疾病基因,第16章基因診斷和治療,以滿足中國醫學生的需要。因此,修訂后的教材共有16章,每章都包含了主要內容:關鍵概念、關鍵詞(中英文)、問題、參考文獻。


Chapter 1  From Classical Genetics to Molecular Genetics
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Classical genetics and the rules of trait inheritance
    1.2.1  Gregor Mendel developed the formal rules of genetics
    1.2.2  Mendel's laws have extensions and exceptions
    1.2.3  Genes are arranged linearly on chromosomes and can be mapped
    1.2.4  The nature of genes and how they determine phenotypes was long a mystery
  1.3  The great breakthrough to molecular genetics
    1.3.1  Bacteria and bacteriophage exhibit genetic behavior and serve as model systems
    1.3.2  Transformation and transduction allow transfer of genetic information
    1.3.3  The Watson-Crick model of DNA structure provided the final key to molecular genetics
Chapter 2  Structures and Functions of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Proteins
    2.2.1  Amino acids and peptides
    2.2.2  Levels of structure in the polypeptide chain
    2.2.3  Protein folding
    2.2.4  Protein destruction
  2.3  Nucleic acids
    2.3.1  Chemical structure of nucleotides
    2.3.2  Physical structure of DNA
    2.3.3  Physical structures of RNA
    2.3.4  One-way flow of genetic information
    2.3.5  Methods used to study nucleic acids
Chapter 3  Recombinant DNA: Principles and Applications
  3.1  Introduction of homologous recombination and cloning
    3.1.1  The beginnings of recombinant DNA technology
    3.1.2  Homologous recombination and cloning
  3.2  Construction of recombinant DNA molecules
    3.2.1  Major classes of restriction endonucleases
    3.2.2  Recognition sequences for type II restriction endonucleases
    3.2.3  DNA ligase joins linear pieces of DNA
    3.2.4  Sources of DNA for cloning
  3.3 Vectors for cloning
    3.3.1  Genes coding for selectable markers are inserted into vectors during their construction
    3.3.2  Plasmid DNA were the first cloning vector
    3.3.3  Recombinant bacteriophages can serve as vectors
    3.3.4  Cosmids and phagemids expand the repertoire of cloning vector
  3.4  Expression of recombinant genes
    3.4.1  Expression vectors allow regulated and efficient expression of cloned genes
    3.4.2  Expression systems
  3.5  Introducing recombinant DNA into host cells
    3.5.1  Numerous host-specific techniques are used to introduce recombinant DNA molecules into living cells
    3.5.2  Transient and stable transfection assays
  3.6  Constructing DNA libraries
    3.6.1  Type of different libraries
    3.6.2  Library screening and probes
  3.7  Sequencing of entire genomes
    3.7.1  Genomic libraries contain the entire genome o
  3.8  Practical application of recombinant DNA technologies
    3.8.1  Gene therapy
    3.8.2  Delivering a gene into sufficient cells within a specific tissue and ensuring its subsequent long-term expression is a challenge
Chapter 4  Tools for Analyzing Gene Expression
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Gene isolation and detection
    4.2.1  Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA
    4.2.2  Gradient centrifugation
    4.2.3  Nucleic acid hybridization
    4.2.4  Polymerase chain reaction
    4.2.5  In vitro mutagenesis
    4.2.6  DNA sequencing
  4.3  Analysis at the level of gene transcription: RNA expression and localization
    4.3.1  Reverse transcription PCR
    4.3.2  Northern blotting
    4.3.3  RNase protection assay (RPA)
    4.3.4  In situ hybridization
    4.3.5  DNA microarrays
  4.4  Analysis of the transcription rates
    4.4.1  S1 nuclease protection and primer extension
    4.4.2  Rapid amplification of cDNA ends  ,
    4.4.3  Reporter genes
    4.4.4  DNA footprinting
    4.4.5  Electrophoretic mobility shift assay
    4.4.6  Chromatin immunoprecipitation
  4.5  Analysis at the level of translation: protein expression and localization
    4.5.1  Western blotting
    4.5.2  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
    4.5.3  Immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunocytochemistry (ICC) and immunofluorescence (IF).
    4.5.4  Flow cytometry
  4.6  Antisense technology
    4.6.1  Antisense oligonucleotides
    4.6.2  RNA interference (RNAi)
Chapter 5  The genetic Code, Genes, and Genome
Chapter 6  Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions and Ptotein-protein Interactions
Chapter 7  Mechanism of Transcription
Chapter 8  Transcription Regulation
Chapter 9  Transcription Regulation in the Human Genome
Chapter 10  RNA Processing
Chapter 11  Mechanism of Translation
Chapter 12  DNA Replication
Chapter 13  DNA  Recombination and DNA Repair
Chapter 14  Genetically Modified Organisms: Use in Basic and Applied Research
Chapter 15  Disease Genes
Chapter 16  Gene Diagnosis and Gene Therapy

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