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  • 作者:Li Zenghua//Guo Fusheng//Deng Teng//Kong Lingtao
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030670250
  • 出版日期:2021/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:114
人民幣:RMB 198 元      售價:


Li Zenghua//Guo Fusheng//Deng Teng//Kong Lingtao

Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Uranium resources in the world
  1.2  Classification of uranium deposits
Chapter 2 Intrusive-type uranium deposits
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Uranium deposits related to magmatic differentiation
    2.2.1  Geological setting
    2.2.2  The host rocks
    2.2.3  Alteration
    2.2.4  Mineralization
  2.3  Uranium deposits related to partial melting
    2.3.1  Uranium geochemical behavior in germination
    2.3.2  Geological characteristics of pegmatite-type uranium deposits
  2.4  Example: the Rssing deposit in Namibia
    2.4.1  Regional geology
    2.4.2  Local geology
    2.4.3  Metamorphism
    2.4.4  Structure
    2.4.5  Pegmatitic granite
    2.4.6  Uranium Mineralization
    2.4.7  Ore genesis
  2.5  Example: the Hongshiquan deposit in China
    2.5.1  (Meta)sediments
    2.5.2  Magmatic rocks
    2.5.3  Structures
    2.5.4  Pegmatoidal alaskite
    2.5.5  Mineralization
Chapter 3 Granite-type uranium deposits
  3.1  Introduction
    3.2.1  Geological background
    3.2.2  Temporal and spatial characteristics of uraniferous granites
    3.2.3  Geochemical characteristics of uraniferous granites
    3.2.4  Abundances in uraniferous granites
    3.2.5  Mineralization styles of granite-type uranium deposits
    3.2.6  Structural control over uranium mineralization
    3.2.7  Ore compositions and ore vein evolution characteristics
    3.2.8  Genetic model of granite-type uranium deposits
  3.3  Example: Uranium deposits in the Guidong granite complex
    3.3.1  Characteristics of intrusions
    3.3.2  Structural characteristics
    3.3.3  Mineralization
    3.3.4  The No. 337 deposit
  3.4  Example: Uranium deposits in mid-European Variscan U province
    3.4.1  Characteristics of intrusions
    3.4.2  Mineralization features
    3.4.3  Limousin deposit
Chapter 4 Polymetallic iron oxide breccia complex deposits

  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Example: Olympic Dam deposit (Australia)
    4.2.1  Geological setting
    4.2.2  Local geology
    4.2.3  Ore geology
    4.2.4 Genetic model
Chapter 5 Volcanic-related uranium deposit
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Geological conditions of volcanic-related uranium deposits
    5.2.1  Lithologic and lithofacies conditions of uranium-producing volcanic rocks
    5.2.2  Structural controls on volcanic-related uranium deposits
    5.2.3  Types of volcanic basins related to uranium mineralization
  5.3  Characteristics of volcanic-related uranium deposits
  5.4  Examples: the Xiangshan volcanic-related ore field in China
    5.4.1  Introduction
    5.4.2  Geological setting
    5.4.3  Mineralization
    5.4.4  Ore genesis
  5.5  Examples: the Strel』tsovka ore field in Russia
    5.5.1  Introduction
    5.5.2  Geologic setting
    5.5.3  Mineralization
    5.5.4  Ore genesis50References
Chapter 6 Metasomatite-type uranium deposits
  6.1  Uranium deposits related to Na-metasomatism
    6.1.1  Introduction
    6.1.2  Na-metasomatite uranium deposits of the Kirovograd district (Ukraine)
  6.2  Uranium deposits related to K-metasomatism
    6.2.1  Geological setting
    6.2.2  Local geology
    6.2.3  Ore Geology
    6.2.4  Genetic Model
  6.3  Example: the Mary Kathleen U-REE skarn deposits
    6.3.1  Geological setting
    6.3.2  Local geology
    6.3.3  Ore geology
    6.3.4 Genetic model
Chapter 7 Metamorphite-type uranium deposits
  7.1  Overview
  7.2  Uranium geochemistry in metamorphism
    7.2.1  Geochemical characteristics of uranium in regional metamorphism
    7.2.2  Geochemical factors affecting the activation and transfer of uraniumduring regional and contact metamorphism
    7.2.3  Uranium geochemistry in ultrametamorphism
  7.3  Geological conditions and deposit characteristics of migmatization typeuranium deposits
  7.4  Example: the Schwartzwalder deposit
    7.4.1  Introduction
    7.4.2  Local geology
    7.4.3 Structural geology

    7.4.4  Alteration
    7.4.5  Mineralization
    7.4.6  Metallogenetic aspects76References
Chapter 8 Unconformity-related uranium deposits
  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  Geological conditions and mineralization characteristics of unconformityrelateduranium deposits
    8.2.1  Geological setting
    8.2.2  Ore-bearing layer and metallogenic age
    8.2.3  Lithologic conditions
    8.2.4  Structural conditions
    8.2.5  Regional unconformity and paleoregoliths conditions
    8.2.6 Mineralization
  8.3 Example: McArthur River uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada)
    8.3.1  Introduction
    8.3.2  Geological setting
    8.3.3  Genesis83References
Chapter 9 Sandstone-type uranium deposits
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Classification of sandstone-type uranium deposits
    9.2.1  Roll-front type uranium deposits
    9.2.2  Basal-type uranium deposits
    9.2.3  Tabular-type uranium deposits
  9.3  Geological characteristics of sandstone-type uranium deposits
    9.3.1  Tectonic settings
    9.3.2  Hydrogeological conditions of sedimentary basins
    9.3.3  Structural conditions
    9.3.4  Sources of uranium
  9.4  Mineralization characteristics
    9.4.1  Shape, scale and occurrence of orebody
    9.4.2  Mineral composition
    9.4.3  The timing of mineralization
  9.5  Genesis of the sandstone-type deposits
  9.6  Example: Uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin, China
    9.6.1  Introduction
    9.6.2  Regional geology
    9.6.3  Uranium mineralization in the Ordos Basin
    9.6.4  Ore genesis
Chapter 10  Paleo quartz-pebble conglomerate uranium deposits
  10.1  Overview
  10.2  Types of quartz-pebble conglomerate uranium deposits
  10.3  Characteristics of quartz-pebble conglomerate uranium deposits
  10.4  Example: the Witwatersrand uranium deposit
Chapter 11  Surfieial (Calcrete) uranium deposits
  11.1  Introduction
  11.2  Characteristics of the calcrete-hosted uranium deposit
    11.2.1  Climatic conditions
    11.2.2  Host rock
    11.2.3  The uranium source

    11.2.4  The mineralization
  11.3  Example: the Yeelirrie calcrete-hosted deposit in Australia
    11.3.1  Introduction
    11.3.2  Geology
    11.3.3  Mineralization
    11.3.4  Genesis
Chapter 12  Other types of uranium deposits
  12.1  Introduction
  12.2  Collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits
  12.3  Lignite and coal uranium deposits
  12.4  Carbonate uranium deposits
  12.5  Phosphate uranium deposits
  12.6  Black shale uranium deposits
  12.7  Example: the Baimadong carbonate-hosted uranium deposit
    12.7.1  Introduction
    12.7.2  Local geology
    12.7.3  The genesis of the Baimadong uranium deposit

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