幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:沈弘|責編:丁克霞
  • 出版社:北京時代華文書局
  • ISBN:9787569944402
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:649
人民幣:RMB 198 元      售價:



  (Taou Kwang, the Emperor of China)
  (The Chinese Collection, Hyde Park Corner)
  (China: Description of Chapoo)
  (China: Yangtze River, Canton, Nankin, Shanghai, the Grand Canal, Whampoa)
  (Chinese Diplomacy)
  (The Great Wall and the Grand Canal)
  (The Chinese Ambassador)
  (The Chinese Tribute)
  (The Island of Formosa and the British Factory in Canton)
  (The Opium Trade)
  (Funerals and Tombs of the Chinese)
  (Chinese Trophies, at Windsor Castle)
  (Extraordinary Chinese Presents to Her Majesty)
  (Chinese Lace)
  (Sculpture for the Pediment of the New Royal Exchange)
  (Curious Chinese Drawing of an English War-Steamer)
  (Monster Gun, at Woolwich)
  (Chinese Youths)
  (Procession of the Chinese Commissioner at Hong Kong)
  (Chinese Bedstead)

  (The Chinese Junk 「Keying」)
  (Chinese Youths)
  (The Chinese Junk in the East India Docks)
  (Chinese Standards Captured)
  (Interview at the Bogue Forts)
  (The Burial-Ground at Calcutta)
  (Assassination of the Governor of Macao)
  (Burning of a Piratical Fleet on the Coast of China)
  (A Visit to the Great Wall of China)
  (Opening of the Great Exhibition—The Chinese Mandarin)
  (Chinese Family)
  (Chui-A-Poo, the Chinese Pirate)
  (Chinese Performance on Board the Junk)
  (The Chinese Family at Osborne Palace)
  (Attack on Chinese Pirates by the Boats of Her Majesty』s Ship 「Cleopatra」)
  (Colony of Jews in the Centre of China)
  (Chinese Boat Race at Hong-Kong)
  (Revolution in China)
  (Christianity in China)
  (The Book of Common Prayer)
  (Civil War in ChinaH.M.S 「Hermes」in the Yang-Tze-Kiang River)
  (Chinese Rebellion)

  (Chinese Military Despatch)
  (Sir John Bowring, L.L.D., Governor of Hong Kong, and H. M. Plenipotentiary in China)
  (Drury-Lane Theatre)
  (Sir John Bowring』s Mission to Pekin)
  (The Rebels of Taipings Opening Fire Upon the 「Lee」 Gun-boat)
  (The Rebels of Taipings in Nankin)
  (Bombardment of Canton)
  (The War with China)
  (The War with China: Capture of Canton Forts)
  (The War with China: Plan of the Attack on Forts and Batteries of Canton)
  (Sketches from China: Chinese Woman Gathering Tea and Chinese Military Standard-Bearer)
  (Canton within the Walls)
  (The War with China: Letters from two Correspondents)
  (Sketches from China: Canton Street-Guard, Rearing Silk Worms)
  (Chinese Shipping)
  (The War in China: Chinese Rebels, the Mode of Carrying a Wounded Rebel, and Hong Kong)
  (The War in China: The Passenger-Steamer 「Fei Ma」 and Conflagration at Canton)
  (War in China:The Chinese Vessels of War, Chinese Rebels)
  (The War in China: Chinese Infernal Machines, Chinese Pirate Craft, Shanghai)
  (The Poisonings at Hong Kong)
  (Chinese Tortures)
  (Her Majesty』s Troop-Ship 「Transit,」 Refitting and Receiving Stores for China in Portsmouth Harbour)
  (En Route for China: Sketches of Marseille and Malta)
  (En Route for China: Sketches of Egypt)

  (The Tombs of the Chinese Emperors at Ningpo)
  (The War in China: Destruction of the Pirate Ships Ⅰ)
  (The War in China: Destruction of the Pirate Ships Ⅱ)
  (Reinforcement for the War in China)
  (En Route for China: Sketches of Suez)
  (En Route for China: A Calm on the Red Sea)
  (En Route for China: Aden and the Maldives)
  (British Gun-Boat Flotilla en Route for China)
  (En Route for China: From Ceylon to Hong-Kong)
  (Sketches from China: Hong-Kong)
  (Sketches from China: Portraits of Different People)
  (The Battle of Fatsham Creek)
  (War in China: The Battle of Escape Creek)
  (Sketches from Hong Kong)
  (The Parade at Hong Kong)
  (The War in China: The Battle of Fatsham Creek, Chair Coolies)
  (Naval Uniform)
  (War in China: A Trip to Manilla)
  (Sketches in Manilla: Traveling on Horseback)
  (Sketches in Manilla: A Macadamised Road and Leisure after Breakfast)
  (Sketches of Manilla and Hong Kong)
  (Sketches in Manilla: Chinese Chow-chow Sellers and the Meat Market)
  (Sketches in Manilla: The Heat of Summer in Philippines)
  (Sketches in Manilla: Chinese Musical Party)

  (Sketches in China: Gilman』s Bazaar and Victoria Harbour in Hong-Kong)
  (Sketches in China: Rice-harvesting and a Chinese House)
  (Chinese Drawing of the Fatsham Creek Affair; A Sporting Tour in Governor Yep』s Land)
  (The War in China: Commissioner Yeh, Sampan Girl,
  Joss House and the Crew of a Gun Boat)
  (The War in China: News Reports from Overland Mail and Moniteur)
  (The War in China: Fierce Fighting in Canton)
  (The War in China: Commissioner Yeh Captured)
  (The War in China: Bombarding the City of Canton)
  (The War in China: The Military Train, Canton)
  (The Walls and Gates of Canton)
  (The War in China: From Canton to Hong-Kong)
  (The War in China: The Old Landing-Place in Canton)
  (The War in China: The Wounded British Officers and the Chinese New Year)
  (Sketches in China: Hong Kong Races)
  (Sale of English Goods, Canton)
  (Sketches in China: Canton after the Ban is Lifted)
  (Sketches in China: Policemen, Sentries, and Coolies in Canton )
  (Sketches in China: Rumours of Attacks in Canton)
  (Attack on the 「Braves」 Near the White Cloud Mountain, Canton)
  (The Attack of Peiho Forts by the English and French Fleets)
  (Sketches in China: Landing in Canton and the Burning of a Store)
  (Signing the Treaty between England and China at Tien-tsin)
  (Sketches in Canton: Return of the Avengers)
  (Sketches in Canton: Panic at the Commissariat Stores)
  (China: The Embarkation of Sick and Wounded on Board the 「Canton」)

  (China: Captain Harrison, Chinese Boat Attack)
  (Sketches in China: Chinese Fruit Girl and Opium Smokers)
  (A Lama of Tibet, of the Dalai Sect)
  (Skethes in China: The Consecration of a Buddhist Abbot at the Temple of Honan)
  (Opium-Smoking in China, from Drawing by a Native Artist)
  (Sketches in China by Our Special Artist and Correspondent)
  (Sketches in Canton: A Chinese Doctor, Howqua Garden, Near Canton)
  (Sketches in China: Hair Style Like a Teapot, Washing Linen)
  (Sketches in China: A Mountain Pass, Entertainment in the Village of Lin-Cong)
  (Sketches from China: Traveling in China—the Midday Halt)
  (Chinese Artists)
  (Manners and Customs of the Chinese in 1859)
  (Manners and Customs of the Chinese in Formosa)
  (Chinese Manners and Customs in Formosa)
  (Chinese Mirror Presented to Lieut.-Colonel Caine, Late Lieutenant-Governor of Hong-Kong)
  (The English Fleet in China, off Kintang)
  (China: The Combined Fleet in China is Getting Under Way for the North)
  (China: Sir Hope Grant and the Staff of the British Expedition in China)
  (China: The British Forces in Talien-Wan)
  (Hsian Fou, Emperor of China)
  (Illustrations of the War in China)
  (Illustrations of the War in China: The Landing of the Allied Forces, Punjaub Street at Pehtang)
  (The Storming and Capture of Peiho Forts)
  (The Victory of Canton)

  (War in China: Under the Wall of Pekin)
  (Fane』s and Probyn』s Horse Service in China)
  (The King』s Dragoon』s Guards Closing with Tartary Cavalry in the Engagement Near Pekin)
  (The Peace with China)
  (Mr. Henry Brougham Loch)
  (Domestic Life in China)
  (The China New Year)
  (Inside Peking)
  (Payment by the Chinese of the Indemnity Money)
  (Curiosity Street, Pekin)
  (Sketches from Pekin)
  (The Russian Mission Church in Pekin)
  (Chinese Guns)
  (Return of Lord Elgin from China)
  (Weighing the Indemnity Money)
  (Arrival at Tien-tsin of Indemnity Money)
  (The Emperor of China』s Summer Palace)
  (The Imperial City, Pekin)
  (Chinese Guns)
  (Paintings from the Biannual Exhibition in Paris)
  (The Chinese Magpie)
  (Part of the Great Wall of China)
  (Illustrations of the Civil War in China: Imperialist Expedition to Fungwha)

  (Sketches in Shanghai: Teahouse, Chinese Soldiers with Foreign Officer)
  (Chinese Merchant at the Great Annual Fair in Nijni Novgorod, Central Russia)
  (The Taiping Rebellion in China)
  (The Guards at the British Embassy in Pekin)
  (Rutherford Alcock Returned to Japan after being Made a Minister)
  (Sir Rutherford Alcock)
  (The Taeping War in China)
  (Views in China)
  (Tombs of the Emperors of the Ming Dynasty at Nankin, China)
  (The Chinese Giant)
  (Expedition against China』s Piratical Junks)
  (The Steam-ship Erl King)
  (China』s Diplomatic Mission)
  (An Encounter with Chinese Pirates)
  (The New Steam-ship for the China Trade)
  (The European Racecourse at Pekin)
  (A Chinese Wedding at Shanghai)
  (The Chinese Embassy in London)
  (Hong Kong Regatta)
  (Chinese Vase)
  (Prince Alfred in Hong-kong)
  (Fans in the Loan Exhibition in the South Kensington Museum)

  (Scenery of Yang-tze-kiang)
  (Chinese Itinerant Barbers)
  (Entrance to the Bride Princess』 Palace in Pekin)
  (The Imperial Wedding)
  (The Chinese Imperial Wedding and a Chinese Marriage Procession)
  (The Procession of the Imperial Wedding: The Mystical Rites at Midnight)
  (Our Illustrations of China)
  (Sketches in China: The Great Wall and the Imperial Tombs)
  (The Wall of Pekin)
  (Sketches in China: The Temple of Heaven, Pekin)
  (Boys』 School, Pekin)
  (Sketches in China: Hall of Examination, Pekin)
  (Sketches in China: A Buddhist Temple and the English Legation in Pekin)
  (Sketches in China: Hall of Classics, Temple of Confucius, Pekin Gazatte, and the Chinese Punch and Judy)
  (Sketches in China: Scene at Tien-tsin)
  (Sketches in China: Chinese Pawnshop at Shanghai, and the Archery Practice of the Manchoo Tartar Soldiery at Pekin)
  (Chinese Pavilion in Victorian Park)
  (Sketches in China: Girls』 School in Pekin, Gaiety Theatre in Hanckow)
  (Sketches in China: A Spinning Woman)
  (Sketches in China: Street Scene in Pekin)
  (Sketches in China: The Young Emperor of China, Tung-che Whang-Ti)
  (Reception of the Foreign Ministers and Consuls by the Emperor of China at Pekin)
  (New Royal Naval Hospital, Hong-Kong)
  (Sketches in China: A Sampan at Shanghai)

  (Making a Christmas Pudding in China)

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